Chapter 14 (1/2)

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3rd POV

The trio walked along the market heading back to the Mystery Shack after getting the tools they needed from Soos's house. Brian trudged behind the twins who were looking at all the merchandise presented in the small stands. The towns people of Gravity Falls was all set to celebrate the great Pioneers day.

In all honesty, Brian wasn't at all looking forward to the special day to arrive. No matter what type of celebration it was as long as it involved crowded places, light shows, or even alcohol; he'd turn back around and head back. So, in simple terms, he dreaded the day. He gave a frown remembering the last party he went to. If it wasn't for Wendy, he would have ended up sleeping in the road that night, he assumes so.

It was pretty hazy for him after he threw up and the last thing he remembered was Wendy standing next to him patting his back. So, he just assumed that Wendy let him lean on her for support as they walked back to her house. That reminded him; he should have probably thanked her for going through all this trouble. As if a rock hit the back of his head, he remembered what transpired about more then an hour ago with him and Wendy. He gave a sigh hunching over with a glum expression.

It has already been a month and his truck is still not fixed. It's pretty surprising seeing as how long it took his car to be fixed. If he crashed his truck near a town that actually had a car shop his car would have probably been fixed in a week or so. Seeing as how their is no car shop and only a man, Soos, who Brian already figured out probably couldn't even fix a broken light bulb. And now that man is handicapped for the time being while his car is no where near repaired. he was pretty certain he will be staying in gravity Falls for a while. Brian gave another sigh of frustration.

Plus, even if his car gets fixed Brian knows that he still couldn't leave because of a certain white-haired male.

He kept on wondering why this had to happen to him. He never wanted to come here in the first place.

Brian's eye bulged at the sudden scent. 'Sweet, milky, and lots of baby powder...' Brian thought as he tilted his head upward to get a better sniff. As much as he wanted to contain himself and his expression so the twins wouldn't see but it was just too fortunate for him to do so. He gave off a crazed smile as his eyes shown pure frenzy. He could feel his blood racing with bloodlust at the thought of what he was going to do. He was grateful for this that god finally answered his prayers. There was no way in hell he would pass up this fortunate opportunity.

And to make it seem like the world was in his favor, the familiar white-haired male was heading into the woods. He tried to compose himself before the twins noticed. Once he was composed and back to his neutral face, he silently slipped in the direction Gideon went being unnoticed by the twins.

The more Brian wandered into the woods following the teens sent he began to go over his original plan that he came up with at Wendy's house. He was confident that he could carry out his plan swiftly but the risk of getting caught is a pretty good chance. Brian sighed thinking back to his folks situation and his brother Jack. "Hopefully I don't get caught..." Brian sighed thinking about how Jack would react to this irritating situation if he ever found out. Brian chuckled knowing fully well Jack would beat the crap out of him.

Just like what happened before, his crazed smile returned. He wouldn't admit it but he is looking forward for his particular plan to work. He was getting excited by just thinking of what Gideon has in store for him once Brian reaches him. Just like a rabid beast, Brian's started to bare his teeth as he felt it beginning to get longer and sharper. Every second that passed Brian began to get even more lustful. He was about ready to sprint and get it over with if he didn't remind himself that he had to make it silently as possible. He maybe it in the woods but it still isn't far enough from civilization and he didn't want to take any unnecessary chances, even thought it could be quick and simple.

The plan that Brian so hopefully wanted to accomplish was to kill Gideon.

Brian didn't know what it was but he felt uneasy. It was as if multiple eyes were watching him from every corner. He looked around, left and right, but couldn't find anything. Brian turned back towards Gideon only to see him have a small device out. Brian's breath shallowed as he took a step forward towards the white-haired teen. Brian sniffed at the air to truly make sure it was him and when he smelt the familiar scent of sweet milk and baby powder he was positive it was him.

His back was slightly towards him. He might as well, be able to see Brian walk up to him. Any rigid movement, any at all, the fastest thing Gideon could do is simply fixate his eyes to the left. Brian's nail's lengthened as a small growl resonated from his throat. He brought his hands up high enough that was leveled to Gideon's neck. Brian saw black veins flow through his arms.

Brian was about to hesitate when it looked like Gideon wasn't moving, better yet, breathing. He quickly shook it off seeing as how this is a good opportunity. He took one final step towards the teen and without a second to waste he swiftly tour him in half with his bare hands.

His bottom half fell to the floor and his top half flung in the air. From the corner of the eye, the sun shinned upon the fallen figure when it was in the air making it look shadowed from Brian's perspective. But, once it hit the floor what Brian saw shook him to the core. It wasn't Gideon...

It was dressed and shaped like Gideon but when you looked at the exposed skin. It was as if it was some sort of mannequin. The sun shinning on the object made it as if it was an illusion. Brian slowly turned back just to his hand to see pieces of hay falling slowly out of his hand and to the ground. "That's not..." Brian started as he stared back at the fallen object in disbelief. From the distance a voice cut him off. "Me," the distant voice said finishing his sentence. Brian turned to the direction the shuffling came from in the ominous woods.

"You gave me a scare there.. I didn't even hear you coming," the familiar voice said as he finally emerged from the skirts of the woods. "And hoowee! Don't you have a fine sense of smell." Brian was in a bit in a shocked state once he saw "the still alive and well Gideon." His face automatically turned emotionless not daring to show him satisfaction.

Brian stood up straight, keeping his chin high, as he walked over to Gideon. Brian gave him a conspicuous look looking down at him. Brian sniffed at him and narrowed his eyes on to Gideon. "Did you use bleach? Never would I have thought you had enough brain power to come up with that." Brian said giving a blank look. This caused the shorter man to glare up at him.

"Well, it wasn't that hard. All I had to do was compare you to a dog," Gideon seethed back with an insult but it didn't faze him at all. Brian lowered his gaze on Gideon's figure picking up a barely noticeable sent off of him. He eyed the small sight of blood soaking through his sleeve on the right. Gideon caught what Brian was looking at a tried to smoothly tuck it behind his back away from Brian's gaze.

"For a creature like yourself, your not too bright." Brian stared at Gideon for a few more seconds. Brian and Gideon stared at each other for seconds. In Gideon's mind it felt like hours as a sweat dropped from his forehead. Gideon wouldn't falter afraid to admit that he was kind of uneasy of the plan that he had set up. In that moment, it was like a flash. Before Gideon knew what was happening Brian already had his bare hand wrapped around Gideon's neck.

"For a human like yourself, your truly not the bright one," Brian seethed out as he lifted Gideon up in the air and slammed him against the tree. Gideon groaned when he made impact with the tree. "You may have fooled me in thinking that run down up mannequin was you but what concerns me is why you didn't take this opportunity to run?" Brian squeezed harder making it a bit uncomfortable for Gideon to breath. Gideon scratched at his hands finding it more difficult to breath the harder Brian squeezed. His eyes sparked yellow when he saw how much Gideon was struggling to breath.

Gideon tried to knee Brian in the stomach but it was futile. Brian didn't move an inch and didn't seem to have any sort of pain or discomfort when Gideon kneed him in the stomach. Brian put much more force to the point you would have thought that Gideon's eyes could pop out any second. Gideon was desperately trying to gasp for air. Brian lowered Gideon down a bit but just enough to whisper something in his ear still not loosening his tight grip,"I came in these woods not to play around or be played around. I'm not someone who is merciful," Brian whispered glaring at the white- haired male. "Trust me when I say I don't really enjoy playing tag with my food." Brian's voice got lower saying that last sentence as it gave shivers up Gideon spine. Brian put even more pressure turning Gideon's face blue. In seconds, Gideon went limp in the air.

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