Chapter 12 (1/2)

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Brians POV

I walked through the woods wiping at left over tears as I almost reached the house. I felt my face warm up remembering what happened a few minutes ago. "That was so embarrassing. What the freak came over me?" I told myself cringing at the memory. "I greatly regret listening to that parasite!" I cursed under my breath.

"If my folks ever heard or even seen what just happened... I would be the laughing stalk," I thought too frustrated about the situation to even look where I was walking.

I tripped over a root and gasped at the surprise. I hit the floor with a 'thud'.

I groaned in pain feeling the aches in my knees. I got up on my hands and knees with a bit of a struggle.

Suddenly, I heard a nearby stick snap and growl of some sort. Before I knew, it ran past me and into the woods. It may have seemed to look like a blur cross my path but once I saw the leftover footprint and took in the familiar scent of ivy berries I immediately knew what it was.

It was that annoying creature that always appeared once in a while when I am in the woods. At first I was just surprised but then that quickly turned in the familiar feeling of embarrassment. Just realizing that 'it' must've witnessed my whole fiasco especially; the one where I tripped over the root.

I sucked in a breath and quietly whispered to myself,


3rd Person POV

Brian opened the door where he is staying at for the time being. He gave a sigh as he rubbed his red swollen eyes walking into the living room. He flinched in pain slightly at a spot where he constantly rubbed and possibly accidentally scratched. What he walked into is something that he wasn't expecting.

There, siting in the living room, sat the whole gang of the mystery Shack. Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Stanford, Stan, and even Soos. Brian stopped in the door way definitely not expecting this. Then in the other room connected to the kitchen just walked in Candy and Grenda carrying snacks.

Soos was sitting on the floor with a cast on both sides of his arms. Their was a bowl of cheese balls in front of him laying on the table. He seemed to be struggling in grabbing a cheese ball because his arms were shaking violently forward. He gave up after a few second and started to sulk. Then an idea struck in his head as he had a bright smile. He swiftly dunk his face in the cheese seeing his face moving up and down as he ate the cheese balls.

Everyone looked in a specific direction, the small couch. Brian was standing behind the couch so he couldn't see who was sitting in it. They all seemed to be glaring at that direction and this peaked Brian's interest. Wendy's eyes shifted towards the doorway and landed on Brian.

"Hey, Brian. We were just waiting for you," she continued as she motioned for him to come and sit down. "With this brat," Wendy motioned to the person sitting on the short couch. "Who?" Brian walked over in the living room and turned his head to see who she was talking about.

His eyes widened but wasn't that visible as he saw who was sitting on the couch.

There sat the white-haired boy, Gideon, waving at Brian with a sinister smile. "I heard that you met my father and I just wanted to say," he continued as he hopped down the couch and walked over to him. He stopped right in front of Brian with a devilishly innocent look and grabbed Brian's hand, shaking it firmly. "Welcome to Gravity falls!"

Gideon knew exactly what Brian was playing at when he went over to his house. He knew immediately that someone went through his things while he was gone. True; he kept the pictures in his drawer.

But that didn't mean that that was his only copy.

And he was gonna make Brian understand that.

Gideon brought Brian in a hug bringing his mouth close to his ear and whispered, "Even if you had the chance to get those pictures, I have more than enough that I can easily share." Brian pursed his lips as his eyebrows furrowed in anger. From the corner of Brian's eye, he spotted a picture behind his back. No; not any ordinary picture but a picture of a a ominous creature crouched down to a dead dear, gruesomely eating it.

Brian's eyes narrowed at the picture. Gideon let go of Brian from the embrace. Slowly patting him down for dust with a smirk that held confidence as he silently mocked Brian.

Brian glared daggers at the boy silently growling. "Does that growl come with the traits?" Gideon whispered as his smirk grew wider into a grin. Brian grabbed his hand roughly that was once on his shoulder and started to squeeze it slowly. Gideon's knees started to weaken subconsciously as his expression scrunched in pain.

Brian grinds his teeth together leaning forward growling out a threat, "My bite also comes with it too." Brian lets go of Gideon shoving him too in the process. Brian turned to the group that weren't paying much attention to Gideon and him. Gideon glared at him rubbing his hand trying to sooth the pain.

"Woah! Dipper, turn the volume up!" Mabel exclaims shoving Dipper to grab his attention. "Okay, let me just find the remote," Dipper answered scanning the floor for the remote. "Hurry up Dipper! We might miss it!" "Alright, Mabel. Stop shouting," Dipper cringed at her loud voice. Dipper turned the volume up on the Tv hearing a women speaking on Breaking news.

Brian and Gideon turned their full attention on what is going on in the group. Everyone was directing full attention on the Tv to the news reporter. "Hello, I am Patty Maligon reporting to you in Oregon, Gravity falls, here on a murder case of Sarah Rooser. The 17 year old girl was found down in an alley near the Gravity Falls arcade. The police are in the scene investigating it immediately," the news reporter spoke stepping aside to show the many police cars and ambulance.

"Again? What is going on?" Mabel asked with a sorrow expression. "Dipper, I'm scared..." Candy said leaning closer to Dipper for protection. Grenda came up on the other side of Candy and wrapped her arm around her pulling Candy closer to her. "Don't worry Candy! Me and Mabel got your back," Grenda said with confidence pointing to herself and Mabel.

Dipper got up and walked over to Wendy, "You okay?" Dipper asked putting a hand on Wendy's shoulder with concern in is voice. Wendy looked up from the Tv to Dipper with a wistful look. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just don't know why this is happening. This is the second time..."

Brian looked over with a inquisitive look wondering why they are so bummed over for. Murder happens all the time so why are they so sad.

"Uh, what is going on here?" Brian intervened in the intense atmosphere. "Their has been a murder!" Mabel exclaimed with a panic look. "Again!"

Born to eat (Gravity falls x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now