Chapter 13 (2/2)

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Dipper's POV

Mabel skipped along the main street of Gravity Falls while I had to tag along behind her. We were sent by Grunkle Stan to fetch some supplies to fix the hole in the ceiling on the first floor in the Shack. I suggested in calling a Ceiling Repair contractor. 

But, both Grunkle Stan and Ford both flatly declined saying it was too expensive and that they could do it themselves. Well, they said that they were going to do it  about a whole week ago but seeing as how it was still there I was pretty sure they forgot about it; even when it was literally a gigantic hole.

Once I brought it up to both of them, they just brushed it off saying that they were too busy. So, they hired Mabel's two and only friends; Candy and Grenda to fix it. I would have rather gone exploring the woods with Grunkle Ford but he already left hours ago. Since it was me and Mabel's day off from working in the shack, Grunkle Stan thought it was a good idea to send me and Mable to fetch some tools for Grenda and Candy once they arrive.

Soos said that he had the tools that we needed but unfortunately; it was back at his house. I tried to decline but remembering what Grunkle Stan asked me made me change my answer immediately. "Do you really think Mabel can get the job done without getting distracted easily along the way?" He said.

I wanted to defend my sister from the insult but couldn't because he was absolutely right. Especially, since this time of the year. Everyone in Gravity Falls is getting ready for the Pioneer day. Banners are being held up, carts full of food being pushed around, and kids blowing up balloons.

Just to prove that Grunkle Stan was right... I see Mabel at a photo booth taking so much picture as if her life depended on it. "Mabel, we're only here to get the tools from Soos's house," I scolded her. A flash from the photo-booth went off making me wince at the brightness. "Oh, come on Dipper. Live a little. It's like you forgot how to have fun," Mabel slyly said.

I gave her an offended look. "I have fun!" I defended myself. " Since when?" she leaned out of the photo-booth looking me straight in the eye. I stood there for a second trying to remember a time that I was out the house. "When we went together trying to find the lost candy diamonds of infinity in those caves!" I confidently said. "Doesn't count," she flatly said.

I gave her a shocked expression. "How- Wh-what about that time you took us to Alex's party!" "Really Dipper, all you did there was sit in the corner and drink some water." I tried to make a good explanation for that but she cut me off before I could say anything. "Water, Dipper. Water. You drank that, and not soda!" she exclaimed looking absolutely traumatized. "Who drinks water at a party? Who even offers water at a party? Besides being drunk..."

She retracted her head back in the photo booth and muttered, "Something that involves other teens I mean..." I opened my mouth trying to answer her question but she quickly cut me off. "Besides, me tagging along and one of your journal adventures. What I mean is going out with kids your age."

"Besides, I think you are just trying to get this done quickly so you could go over to Wendy's house to hang." she gave me a side eyed. "What-"

"What about Wendy?" Brian intervened leaning in between the two twins. "Brian!" They both exclaimed surprised. "What a-are you doing here?" Mabel stuttered blushing a bit. "Me? Oh, I just decided to walk through town to clear my head," Brian gave his usual stupid smile. I feel like Mabel falls in love with any guy that crosses her path. He's not even that handsome! "Like what?" Mabel asked with beady eyes. She's so dazed in her fantasy I can literally see hearts floating in her eyes.

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