Chapter 6 (2/2)

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Dipper's POV

Wendy and I sat on the bench eating cotton candy as we laughed at each other's jokes. "Oh! Dipper look over there!" Wendy said pointing to a familiar booth that I totally didn't want to see ever again. "Remember when you tried it and it ended up with the ball hitting my eye?" Wendy laughed at the memory. "Yeah," I said scratching my head awkwardly. "Sorry about that..." I avoided eye contact. "Let's go check it out!" Wendy grabbed my arm tugging me towards the booth. She pulled me in front of her and the booth. 

"Give it a go Dipper. And this time I'm prepared," Wendy got in a fighting stance in a joking way with a smile on her face. "Are you sure? I think you should do it. You definitely are a way better thrower than me. Especially throwing an ax," I said handing her the ball. "I'm just going to be wasting a ticket."

"Dipper," She continued putting her hand on her hips looking up at me. "Just because I throw an ax doesn't mean I'm good at throwing a ball," She said as she pushed the ball back into my hand. I just stared at her questioning how that makes any sense. We heard someone clear there throat as we both turned our attention to the source. 

"Excuse me, sir and ma'am. Your holding up the land," A teen boy that owned the booth said pointing his finger behind us. We looked behind us seeing a long line appear out of nowhere as they were glaring at us impatiently. "Come on Dipper. I believe in you," Wendy said with a smile on her face.

I sighed before gripping the ball tightly in my grip. I glared at the stacks of cans taking a deep breath. I out-stretched my arm holding the ball and threw it as hard as I can. It was just like what happened a few years back with Wendy, the ball hit the corner of the table. The ball bounced off the corner of the table containing the cans as I knew where the ball was headed. 

I turned towards Wendy as she turned to me knowing exactly what was going to happen and without a second, I collided with her pushing her out the way. The ball missed Wendy a mere few inches.

As if it was in slow motion, laying on the ground we watched the ball. The ball bounced off a corner of the roller coaster, then bounced off a spinning Gravitron, then bounced into a bouncy house resulting it bouncing out of it, then hit the guy that held the booth, and in that result, it hit the cans. 

Everyone stared at me in aw, including Wendy. "Here's your prize. Please... never come back here," The booth guy said as he handed Wendy a big stuffed panda bear. The booth guy had a black eye as he cowered away from me. "I won!" I cheered in victory. "Yes you did," Wendy turned to me and gave me a kiss to the cheek. At that moment my face erupted in a dark shade of red. If I was in a cartoon, I would probably have hearts floating in my eyes.

Wendy and I walked away from the booth as she was holding the stuffed Panda. "Nice skills Dipper. And thanks for saving me," Wendy said still looking at the bear. "Even though I was the one who caused it," I looked at the floor in guilt. "Come on Dude. Accidents happen. Besides, I think I'm just a magnet on getting hit with balls," She chuckled at her joke. 

I laughed at her joke feeling a lot better knowing that she didn't feel any hate towards me. "Come on. Let's go find Brian and Mabel," Wendy grabbed my hand this time as she pulled me through the crowd. I wasn't focused on finding Mabel or Brian as I looked down. All my focus was trained towards Wendy's hand held in mine. I blushed a little as I gave a soft smile feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh, there they are!" Wendy exclaimed as she tugged me towards them. We were a few inches away from them but then a sudden thought spawned in my head. I stopped in my steps making Wendy stop too. She looked at me as if a question mark was floating above her head. "What's wro-," I cut Wendy off with my question.

"Do you like Brian?" I asked as my hat was hiding my eyes. She stood there for a second before responding. "Well, yeah. Of course, I like him. He's a nice dude. Like you and Mabel." She tried to walk again but I just held my ground with our hands still holding making her stop. I think she misunderstood the question. "No, I mean... Do you like-like him?" I raised my head letting her see my grim expression. My heart felt like it was pounding in my chest.

It felt like I was left on a cliffhanger in a romance movie seeing her standing there processing what I said.

She stared at me, probably wondering where this came from. "Um, no. He is like a little brother that I always wanted. What is this about?" She asked with a questioning expression. I gave a sigh, relieved that I still had a chance. I guess it was time to confess. "Wendy I love-," "HEY GUYS!" Mabel said interrupting my confession. "Hey, dudes!" Wendy exclaimed as her hand slipped out of my grasp as she walked over to them. I stared down at my empty hand not liking how the cold hit it and already missing the warm feeling. 

I stared up at Wendy as I saw her chatting with Mabel and Brian. She turned to me, "Sorry Dipper. What were you going to say?" I froze as all my courage drained from me as everyone looked at me. "uh... n-nevermind. Let's just go home," I walked up to them. They all nodded before walking towards the exit as I followed along.

Mabel fell back, now walking beside me. "So, did you tell her?" Mabel asked whispering into my ear. "I almost did. Before you guys interrupted us," I answered her glaring at her. "It's alright Dipper. At least you tried," Mabel patted my back. "And don't worry about Brian. I asked him if he liked Wendy. He just said he liked her as an older sister." 

"Same with Wendy. She thinks of him as a little brother," I told Mabel. "He also said he already knew you liked Wendy," Mabel whispered causing me to sweat-drop thinking if he read my diary. I stared at Brian's back as he walked alongside Wendy, as he talked turning his head to look at her. I don't know if it was my imagination but... he looked like he was actually staring at me instead of actually focusing on Wendy. Can he hear us? 

Brian's POV

We were almost at the exit until I spotted something from the corner of my eye. It was a stage. It wasn't the stage itself, it was about who was on it. A boy that was probably an inch shorter than me as he danced up along the stage with a huge smile. I looked at his white hair and the blue suit that matched perfectly along with the description I had of the stranger in the woods. I stared at him silently as a huge crowd clapped for him. 

I had that gut feeling that he was the one in the woods. A gut like mine could never lie to me and when I say this, it is true. Not once in my lifetime has it ever let me down. There were only three words said in my mind as I stared up at the white-haired boy. 'I found him.' But something was off...

At first, I thought he was staring at the crowd but if I looked closely, he was staring at one specific person. 


At that moment, I knew I wasn't the one who found him. Instead, he was the one who found me. I was the one that was actually being tracked.

Looking in those eyes I saw something deep within them that kind of scared me. I don't think it was the first time he saw me...Only three words were mouthed towards me that made my blood run cold through my body as my eyes widened.

"I found you."

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