Chapter 7 (2/2)

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Dipper's POV

"Look out!" 

I yelled as I collided with Brian. We landed on the ground far away from the breaking ceiling just in time as it came down. Dust was surrounding us as we started to cough.

"My ceiling!" Grunkle Stan said walking in and saw the wreck. "We're okay. Thanks for asking," I sarcastically said. "Is everyone that was down here okay?" Wendy ran downstairs as she searched frantically for anyone that was hurt. Mabel was with her too looking around to see if everyone was okay. We covered our mouths as the dust from debris has expanded in the air making it hard to see as well. Suddenly, I felt movement underneath me.

I looked down as it was kind of hard to see what or who it was because of the dust. Once the dust cleared up a little... I finally saw who it was. I totally forgot that I pushed Brian out of the way so that he wouldn't get flattened from the falling ceiling. My arms were on both sides of his head as my leg was in between his.

We stared at each other for what felt like hours. His black eyes looking into my hazel ones. Then we heard someone clear there throat snapping us out of our trance. Brian and I looked in the direction it came from. Wendy was the one who cleared her throat as Mabel and Grunkle Stan was looking at us with raised eyebrows. I blushed at the attention and getting caught in some weird position with, unfortunately, Brian.

I quickly got off him as I swiftly scoot away from him. "It's not what it looks like!" I waved my hands in front of my face. They all nodded, "But it was funny!" Mabel intervened bursting out laughing. "You should have seen your face!" I glared at her. I took a quick glance at Brian to see him looking at the ground. I could have sworn I could see a faint blush coat his cheeks.
Then I heard a groan coming from behind me. I twisted my body to the source of the noise.

I was confused at first when I saw a round green thing stick out of the debris. Once, I took a closer look at what it was, I gasped and crawled over to the strange thing. "Soos!" I yelled as I started to take off the debris that was covering him. 

"Oh my god! Soos?" Wendy runs over to me and Soos, helping to get the debris off him. He gave a groan as everyone came over to help him. Everyone, except Brian...

Wendy's POV

I watched as Soos was carried off by the ambulance. I can't believe that happened. I scratched my arm as I was concerned about how my friend was doing. Stan closed down shop early because of the incident and said that I could go home.
I turned my head in different directions trying to find Brian. "I wonder where Brian ran off to?" I said to no one in particular. "Who cares..." I turned to the source to see Mabel and Dipper.

"Dipper? What's the problem?" I asked him not understanding why he said that. He was silent for a second. "Why should we care where he is? He obviously doesn't care about us." He stared at the ground as his hat covered his eyes. "Dipper... you shouldn't say that," Mabel said resting her hand on his shoulder. Dipper just jerked his shoulder out of Mabel's grasp and glared at us both.

"It's true! While we were getting Soos out of that mess he just sat there and watched. I can't believe you guys don't see it. The way he looks at all of us! It's as if we're his prey!" I walked over to him and smacked him over the head as he stumbled forward from my hit. He stared at me with wide eyes as I glared up at him.

"Not cool man," I said as he just gave a huff and walked away into the Mystery Shack. "Uh, I'll see you later Wendy," Mabel said giving an uneasy smile trying to lighten the mood as she followed after Dipper.

Brian's POV

I sat on my bed as I felt my heartbeat rapidly in my chest. My head was in my hands as I leaned over on the edge of the bed. I suddenly heard the door to my room slam wide open. "Brian you have some explaining to do!" Wendy yelled as she stomped over to me.

I could feel her glare on the top of my head as I gave a shaky breath. I couldn't answer as I felt like something was clogged up in my throat. It was silent, I half expected her to smack me at the top of my head as she did with Dipper.

I then felt a hand gently rest on my head. I felt the bed dip a little as I just kept my gaze to the ground. My breathing was getting rigid as I tried to choke back a whimper. I bit my lip, hard enough where it drew blood, trying to not let a single teardrop fall my eyes. Something heavy laid on my shoulder as I felt something soft rub on my bare neck. I took a glance to see Wendy leaning on my shoulder.

"I've had enough siblings to know what an anxiety attack is. You just have to breathe," She softly said besides me as she laid her hand on my trembling arm. I was silent as I felt my chest begin to ache. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head slowly.

After a few minutes of just staying there listening to silence my heart started to beat at a normal rate as my body began to relax. Wendy got up and walked out the door only to return shortly and hand me a bottle of water. I took it as she laid next to me with her legs swinging at the edge of my bed.

I took a swig of the water. "The accident with Soos reminded me of something," I said monotonously. She raised her head, "huh?" I turned towards her looking her straight in the eye, "The accident with Soos and why I didn't help you guys with Soos is because of some stupid thing that happened in my past." I threw my water on the bed a little irritated for the way I acted.

I never liked people seeing me weak or vulnerable. It was just not in my nature or how I was raised. If you have to cry, you cry outside of the house, alone, so no one can see your vulnerable state. That's what my folks made us do when we felt sad. I just didn't have the right mind to ask Wendy to leave me alone.

She got up, still sitting on the bed, as she looked at me. "Do you want to talk about that incident?" I scrunched my eyebrows annoyed at how I'm still hooked on a dumb accident that happened a few years ago. 

"I'd rather not," I answered with a bit of spite in my tone. She looked a bit distraught at my tone. I turned away from her sad expression, "Can you just please leave me alone?" It was silent for a bit before I felt the bed shift. She slid off the bed and rubbed my shoulder. "You don't have to be afraid to talk to me. I'll always listen." Her voice was gentle as she spoke. I then heard the door close as I gave a sigh.

"Back in the dark... I guess."

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