Chapter 12 (2/2)

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3rd Person POV

Brian raised his eyebrow perplexed by her behavior. " Sarah Mooser worked at the salon with her mom down the street from here," Soos softly said. "So..." Brian dragged out waiting for a response. "There has never been a murder here in Gravity falls since Bill Cipher was here and plus this is a small town and everyone tends to know everyone," Wendy explained. "Bill Cipher?" Brian thought but just shook that off having other problems to deal with.

"So, I'm guessing no one in this town that you know is capable of murdering someone?" Brian shrugged his shoulder expecting that they would say yes. Everyone's heads , besides Brian's, snapped over to the white-haired teen, Gideon.

"What are yall look'en at me for?" Gideon stared at them baffled. "Well, you did go to jail," Candy pointed out. "Then made a deal with Bill to enter my head," Stan intervened sipping his soda. "You also stalked the towns people with mini cameras," Wendy said with no amusement in her voice. "Lastly, you tried to kill me!" Dipper exclaimed with destress. Brian looked back at Gideon with amusement written on his face.

"I realized my wrong doings at Weirdmageddon so I came here to officially apologize to you all," Gideon said with remorse. Everyone looked at each other not sure of what to say. Brian just scoffed at Gideon's attempt to get redemption and Gideon gave him the stink eye warning him to shut up.

"I know I'm clearly not welcomed here-" "What makes you think that?" Dipper asked sarcastically cutting him off. "Anyway," Gideon proceeded ignoring Dipper's comment. "I came to welcome you to my personal party to celebrate Pioneer day." Gideon handed out pamphlets to everyone in the room. It just had a blue shadowy picture of a forest and a location on the back. "I hope you can come!" He gave a big smile with enjoyment in his eyes. 

He shifted his eyes to Brian that was next to him and softly whispered," And I hope you can come along too~ Don't want people to suddenly find out there is some beast roaming the town." He gave a devilish smirk at Brian before waving goodbye to everyone in the room and skipping joyfully out the door.

Brian grind his teeth together before scratching his head in frustration. "I'm going to bed," Brian grumbled trudging up the stairs. Everyone gave him a questionable glance before going back to what they were doing except; one very curious hazel twin.

"Hey Dipper," Mabel said trying to get his attention as she followed Brian upstairs with her eyes. Dipper made a 'hm' to tell her that he is listening. "Was it me or did Gideon and Brian just look like they were about to kill each other?" Dipper nodded slowly but was mostly focused on Wendy eating chips.

"Isn't that suspicious to you?" Mabel started waving her hand in front of Dipper's face to get his attention. "No. Not at all," Dipper answered slowly watching Wendy with infatuation shown in his eyes.

"Dip..per... Dipper," Mabel tried to call Dipper's attention to get his attention but it was futile. it was like Dipper was in his own fantasy land. In Dipper's view, Wendy had pink sparkles surrounding her as her hair sways back and forth caused by the wind.

"DIPPER!" She yelled in his ear frustrated causing Dipper to jump in his seat and bite his tongue. "Ow!" Dipper yelped in pain covering his mouth subconsciously. Everyone was too busy in their own event in the living room to pay attention to the racket the twins were causing.

"I think Gideon is up to something, Dipper!" she shouted once Dipper's focus was on her instead of Wendy. "What are you talking about?" Dipper asked irritated a bit with Mabel. "Like I said before; Brian and Gideon looked like they were about to kill each other!"

"Isn't that normal? Everyone hates Gideon," Dipper brushed it off trying to go back to stalking Wendy. "No, Dipper! What happened to the Dipper that was usually suspicious of everyone that he meets. And this is Gideon that we are talking about!" Mabel exclaimed. "That Dipper is still there I'm just... busy, can we talk about this later?" Dipper said glancing at Wendy thinking that after this discussion he was going to go chat with Wendy. "I saw him show Brian something," she continued trying to remember what he showed exactly, " a picture!"

Now, this peeked Dipper's interest. "Did you just say picture?" He turned back around slowly facing back Mabel slowly. "What type of picture?" Dipper's eyebrow rouse. "Uh... I don't know maybe it wa-," Mabel cut herself off snapping her head directly to Dipper making eye contact. "What's with that evil glint in your eye? Are you still hung up on the 'Wendy and Brian potential dating thing'?" Mabel made quotation marks with her fingers.

Dipper stared at her with a surprise so fake that even an angel can act it better then him. "Pfft! What? No!" He waved her question away resulting in her staring dead eye at him. "I'm just curious to what that picture might be..." Mabel gave him a 'are-you-serious-look' with a raised eyebrow to go with it.

"Uh huh. So, if you so happen to find out what Gideon is potential holding; you wouldn't by any chance tell Wendy in order to ruin their relationship and make her believe that he is evil and such?" Mabel questioned but sounded more like a statement.

Dipper was dead silent.

"No..." he answered more like a question as he dragged it out.

Mabel stared at him for a few seconds analyzing any form of discomfort or hesitation. Dipper avoided eye contact and began to sweat more and more each time her intense gaze became sharper and sharper.

"Okay! I believe you!" Mabel said cheerfully.

"And even though I hate to admit this... but you were right. We are talking about 'the Gideon'," Dipper admitted scratching his head in shame. "That's right!" Mabel confidently answered. "Wait... why did you say that you hate to admit it?" Mabel's eyebrows casted downwards. Dipper jolted at Mabel's question before quickly answering.


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