Chapter 4 (1/2)

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Dipper's POV

"Man, why did that Brian guy have to show up? It was going so well. I was getting closer to her," I said to myself kicking a rock. "Lamborgaddon? What type of town is that?" I crossed my arms finally far enough from the Mystery Shack. It was pretty dark but I wasn't worried because of the fireflies beginning to show. I sat on a log up ahead and took out my journal. It's not the journal with all the dark and mystical creatures, it was just an ordinary journal I bring with me to write down my thoughts and events that transpire. Mabel suggested it for me, saying that it would help relieve stress. For a while, I didn't agree with it but just recently... I went along with it.

                                    Entry #7 4/6/20xx

Today, I met a new guy that says he's from "Lamborgaddon." I know, right? stupid name. but that's what he said. I have a feeling that he has more to tell. And no, it's not because he's living with Wendy. Maybe I'm just being paranoid...He did say his car crashed and he wondered onto this town. But just to be safe I'm going to be on alert whenever he is around. Maybe, I could find out if who he says he is isn't true. This is Dipper Pines and reporting to you from Gravity Falls.

                                                                                                                               - Entry Out

All of a sudden I heard a twig snap. With that sudden noise, I was on high alert. I closed my Journal shut and quickly stood up. My heart raced as I began to sweat. I heard a sudden noise that sounded like it was growling. "Oh my god... please don't be a wolf," I said to myself in a high pitched voice. I sucked in my breath as the growling got longer signaling that it was getting closer. With a shaky breath, I slowly turned around to the source.

It was coming from a big shrub of a bush. It was shaking violently. I slowly took small steps trying to not make a sound. I was silently cursing at myself for being so curious. It's growling sounded so inhuman that it brought shivers up my spine. Unfortunately, I stepped on a dried leaf as it made a loud noise. I wasn't expecting the dried leaf to make such a loud noise but seeing at how quiet it is in the woods, I should have guessed. The noise immediately stopped. I took this chance as I smoothly but hastily outstretched my arm. I was just an inch away from touching the bush when suddenly...

I big animal jumped out of the bush and knocked me over as I gave a shriek. I fell on my back as it knocked the air out of my lungs. I lay there trying to compose myself before looking behind me. What I saw in the distance as it began to gallop away made me blush out of embarrassment. It was just a deer.

I covered my face trying to calm the deep blush on my face. Not only was I shaking over a deer, but I also made a not-so-manly scream. How manly is that? I sat up still covering my face desperately trying to get rid of my blush. I sat in a crossed-legged position putting my elbows on each side of my knees. It took a few seconds to stop blushing as I gave a sigh. I uncovered my face and faced forward. Just to result in coming face to face with something that made my face pale and if I was old I would immediately have a heart attack at what I am seeing.

It is too dark to clearly see the creature but not too dark to see its horrific claws laying next to me on either side of my legs of me. Its face was so close to me that I could hear the soft rumble in its throat. I could make out the shape of the figure as it was slender. It had antlers above its head like it was some type of deer. Unfortunately, I definitely was convinced it wasn't a deer. It's stomach curved as if it looked like it hasn't eaten for many weeks. My breath hitched in my throat. I would have screamed once I saw the creature but my panic state stopped me from doing so.

I stood still out of fear as I sucked in my breath. My eyes wide with terror just staring at the creature in front of me. I was lucky that it was dark because I was so sure that if I was able to see its face I would have surely screamed. What frightened me the most was how it got so close to me and acting as if it doesn't see me. It's jaw unhinged as it gave such a loud screech next to my ear that it felt as if I wouldn't be able to hear outside that ear for a while.

Then, the creature's heads jolted up. I thought it finally saw me so, at that moment I started to think back on my life. My family, I didn't even get to say goodbye. I didn't even confess my feelings to Wendy yet... I closed my eyes ready for my fate. Out of nowhere, I heard the creature take a step back and sprinted at an inhuman speed. I opened one of my eyes to see it run in the opposite direction where I was going.

I took this chance and stood up as I suddenly had so much adrenaline fearing for my life. I started to run in the path I took to get back to the Mystery Shack. I didn't care how the leaves slapped my face when I was running, or how I was getting scratches from nearby branches. I tripped over a root and started to tumble down a hill. Once I reached the bottom, I stood up like it was nothing and continued running. I was still surrounded by trees but I could see the opening of the forest knowing that I was close to the Mystery Shack. What scared me the most about the event that transpired was when I was close to the Mystery Shack, I heard an agonizing scream coming from deep in the woods.

Brian's POV

I opened my eyes only for me to close them because of the sunlight. I turned on my side ready to fall right back asleep only to snap them right back open. Like a big rock just hit my head, the event last night started to come back to me. I shot up.

I started to panic. "Did I make it out of Wendy's house?" I asked myself tugging on my hair out of panic. I stood up and started to pace back and forth. My heart raced as I thought of the events that could happen if I killed Wendy and her whole family. If I killed her and her whole family and people find out that I lived there coming out without a scratch... they would surely believe that it was my fault for their deaths. 

I froze in my pacing as I felt an all too familiar liquid trailing down my head. I first thought I caused a head injury for some reason during the night but reassuringly I found out that it was just my hands. I knew it wasn't my blood once I looked at my hands. I wasn't afraid of someone's blood smeared all over me, but what I was afraid of was whose blood was it. From the corner of my eye, I spotted something red. I gulped before taking a step towards the substance. I could smell the blood miles away and could tell it wasn't animal blood. I followed the trail of dotted blood soaking into the ground.

I was lead to a fat lady, probably in her late 70s, that was laying on her stomach. I pushed the body over with my foot without hesitation already knowing it wasn't Wendy's or her family's lying there dead on the ground. I crouched down to the body analyzing it. Blood was scattered everywhere, including on me. Seeing that her once fat stomach was cut open and her intestines were gouged out of her body. 

The intestines were all gone, besides the rectum. Her ribs sticking out in the air and looked as if each rib was licked clean from any blood or intestines. I looked at her dismembered leg with blood oozing out of it causing a big puddle. I then turned my focus to her left leg seeing as a big piece of her bone popped out above the skin. Her mouth was wide open looking as if it was in the middle of screaming. Her eyes were rolled back as if she saw a ghost and dried tears at the corner of her eyes rolling down her face. "I guess you had a rough night, huh?" I asked the deceased lady with a monotone voice. Luckily, I heard a large amount of water splashing in the nearby distance.

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