Chapter 8 (2/2)

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Brian's POV

My eyes casually trailed to the edge of the forest feeling a calming sensation from it. Wait a minute...I saw something very peculiar at the edge of the forest behind some bushes. I leaned closer to the window trying to make out the strange figure. I was now alarmed at what I saw. It was peeking out its head from the bushes and looking straight up at me. "No way..." I stared at it for what felt like for hours. Did it seriously follow me back here. I laughed at the what the creature is trying to pull.

"Brian! You ready?" Wendy yelled from downstairs. I swiftly turned towards her snapping out of my daze with the creature. "Yeah! Be down in just a minute!" I yelled back as I turned right back to face the pesky creature. But just like in the horror movies, it disappears.

I took my tooth brush out of my mouth and headed over to spit the toothpaste out. I looked up at the mirror and put my hands on each sides of the sink just staring at my self. "Well, unlike horror movies the hunter should be scared of the hunted." My eyes glowed yellow as I smirked in the mirror.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Mabel as Dipper and Wendy walked along with us. "You'll see," she simply answered giving a mischievous smile. That smile kind of got me concerned but interested at the same time. 

"A mall?" Dipper raised an eyebrow not understanding anything on what's going on. I was lost as much as him definitely not seeing this coming. She turned to us as she gave off a bright smile. "We are going to pick out some clothes for a party!" She yelled with glee in her voice. I stared down at the ground and I feel like they can feel the tension that I'm setting off.

"Uh, Brian? You okay dude?" Wendy asked as I just stared at the ground. Why this out of all things? Out of everything in the world. Why? Why do I have to go clothes shopping. I remembered I was always given hand me downs from my folks. 

We never once had the need to shop as we wore whatever we could find from dropped stuff by the highway or in rivers. So, in my experience... I don't really make the best decisions with anything that had to do with names or fashion. I narrowed my eyes trying to desperately avoid eye contact embarrassed by it.

"I don't really have the best choices on fashion," I mumbled barely audible to hear. Dipper gave a snort as so did Wendy and Mabel. "Are you seriously worried about that? Don't worry about it, I can help you," Mabel said jumping up and down in excitement. "Besides, your not the only one. Look at Dipper." "Hey," Dipper glared at her. I just nodded as we all walked into the store. "Besides, this is going to be fun," Wendy chuckled that really didn't sound too comforting.

Me and Dipper were looking through a pile of clothing just to pass time and not really interested one bit. Then like a speed of lightning Wendy and Mabel came zooming by with a pile of men clothing. "Here. You two try these on!" Mabel said handing some clothes to me as Wendy did the same with Dipper. Even though Dipper hated me and I didn't really dislike him ,as long as he doesn't get in my way,' we both shared a look that shown that we were both screwed.

They pushed us in the same changing stall setting up chairs in front of it. "Is there another stall where we don't have to share?" Dipper asked not even trying to cover up that he doesn't enjoy my presence. They both just answered with a 'no' not giving a cow.

We came back out with some clothes that looked like we were hippies. Dipper wore some glasses with green lenses as I wore high boots. "Next," Mabel and Wendy said as we complied and went back in the cubicle. Next we came out looking like gangsters. Dipper had a beanie on and baggy clothes while I had the black glasses and loose pants that were sagging. "Next." Next me and Dipper were wearing some type of skater bro clothings. I was holding a skateboard while Dipper was wearing ripped pants and knee pads. "Where did you get the skateboard?" Wendy asked Mabel. "All you want to know is... I owe a kid 20 bucks," Mabel answered regretting her decision. Wendy was about to say something but just shook it off. "Next." Dipper and I started to whine but we were quickly shut up with there glare. "Next, we said."

Next was the baby shark costume, then was Halloween costume, then reverse clothing, then PJ's, and so on and so on. We then came out with dresses that were pretty tight around my waist. I almost fell off the stage but luckily a near by employee caught me. Next were suites that looked like we were some type of spies. We came out with a serious face as we posed for some reason since Mabel told us it was required. We then saw bunch of girls exchanging glances from us and giggling for some reason. I looked at Dipper to see him waving at one of the random girls. Mabel was red looking in my direction. I first thought she was sick but tried to figure out what she was looking at. I looked behind me but couldn't find the source.

I shrugged it off when Wendy said her's and Mabel's catchphrase. "Next." Me and Dipper walked right back in the stall. Me and Dipper we're facing the opposite direction of each other as we proceeded to change out of the clothes.
"What happened there?" I looked behind me to see Dipper focused on my back. It had many scars. But the one that stood out were the three big one going down from my shoulders to my waist.
"He speaks," I mockingly rejoiced. He just scoffed at my action and turned back around. Silence past for a few minutes before I answered "It was just from a incident a long time ago. That's all you need to know." I checked the mirror and undid my tie.

He glanced back at me as I caught him staring at my stomach. Probably my four pack abs. I chuckled and turned around to face him. "And these," I motioned towards my stomach. "I got it when I was surrounded by aliens as they referred to it as 'ab-normal'," I joked making Dipper chuckle.

He turned around to face me as I stared at his six pack. "Well, these," Dipper pointed to his abs. "I got this from my sister forcing me to do 120 crunches everyday. By the end of the month I was done with the 'ab-use'," He said with a smirk as I chuckled at his joke. "Hey! More changing less ab jokes you guys!" Mabel yelled from outside of the stall. We come out with casual clothes that we would probably where everyday. Dipper was wearing a tight black shirt and green jean shorts. I was just wearing a white shirt with a red and black plaid vest with black jeans. Mabel and Wendy looked at each other and nodded. "This is the one!" Mabel said as Wendy gave us the thumbs up.

"So, are you going to tell us where we are headed?" Dipper asked as Me, Mabel, and Wendy walked along side him. We were spending so much time on picking clothes that the time went by fast. The sky grew dim as we walked passed houses. Mabel ignored his question as she stopped in her steps.

"Here we are," Mabel said looking up at a house with multicolored lights shining out of the windows. "A party?" I raised my eyebrow clearly not seeing this coming. "Whose party is this?" Dipper asked as Mabel just said that it was one of Patrita's friends. Wendy walked inside as she gave a small 'wooh.' Dipper looked a bit wary from my point of view but none the less, headed inside.
Mabel was about to walk inside until she noticed I wasn't following behind her. "Hey Brian! You coming in?" Mabel motioned towards the door as she walked up in front of me. I shook it off not wanting to show my vulnerable side again. "Yeah, it's just my first party," I gave a gentle smile towards her. She stayed silent for a second before giving a 'are you serious' look and trying to contain her laughter. "Hey! What's that look for?" I rubbed my hand in her hair messing it up as she laughed.

"You just worry too much over stuff that shouldn't be worried about," she grabbed my hand leading me into the house. "Come on." My folks had parties, especially the high schooler, where I came from. It was just natural for something like me to not be invited. "It's my natural instinct to be cautious..." I mumbled under my breath. She turned to me, "what did you say?" She smiled at me as I just answered with a simple 'nothing.' She then pulled me into the house where it was full of teens and young adults. "Oh boy..."

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