Chapter 9 (1/2)

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HELLO it is great to be back!
Lets just get to it!

                     "Deep in the forest the children went, a house just up a head,
                        no life was there except a man who often survived and fed,
                           the man gave them a scare, but is just a friendly friend,
                                     the clock struck ten and the man said when,
                                                   the children were at there end,
                                                    and the man is hungry again."

3rd person POV

Brian just sat in the corner on a couch watching people dance there lives away. He never did like close spaces, but that wasn't the reason why he was never invited to parties by his folks. He looked clearly uncomfortable as he shifted away from a couple making out. Mabel was enjoying herself talking to her friends that she has yet to introduced to Brian. Dipper and Wendy were seen dancing there hearts out on the dance floor. Brian gave a huff wondering why he is even here right now.

"Why did I even agree to this?"

He squinted his eyes in annoyance as the music boomed throughout the house. It wasn't like he was claustrophobic, it's just his senses are all mixed up. His ears rung from the booming music throughout the house, his sense of smell was taking up all different smells from different directions, and his eyes were getting a little blurry from the flashing lights.

Unfortunately, the girl beside him that was making out with her boyfriend was holding a bottle of some liquid and spilt it on him too distracted by the heated moment with the girl's partner. 

Brian jolted up with surprise. "Seriously," he groaned turning to the couple. Of course, they didn't notice. He gave shiver at the cold substance soaking through his white shirt. "For god's sake."

He didn't pay any more attention to the ridiculous couple and tried to look for the bathroom. He stood on his toes to see over the crowd. His eyes scanned the crowd and finally he saw a door that he was sure was the bathroom. He gave a triumphant smirk that was barely visible on his face. He started to walk towards it but abruptly got shoved back by the herd of teens. He
stumbled back but collected his footing.

"This is ridiculous." He said as he desperately tried to find an opening through the crowd that wasn't so mushed together.

After finally coming to a conclusion that there was no openings, he decided there was no choice. He took a hesitant step towards the crowd and pushed his way through. Half way there, he felt nauseous and dizzy. The bodies pushing him in different directions. With all the smell's colliding together made him feel sick. He cursed at his nose being so sensitive.

He took a few more steps and he had one last step to go to be fully out the crowd. It was at that point that his vision began to blur. Sadly, someone tripped him and since he was too out of it to act, he began to spiral down to the ground. It was as if his body shut down. He closed his eyes ready for the impact.

Then he felt something wrap around his arm stopping his awaiting pain. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times not predicting this turn of events. He looked over his shoulder to see a young man probably in his early 20. The stranger looked at Brian with concern as he hoisted him back onto his feet. "You okay, kid?" the stranger asked crossing his arms.

Brian's POV

I pat down my clothes soothing out the wrinkles. I looked up at him with an emotionless expression answering bluntly, "Yeah, thanks." I examined him seeing that he had short dark brown hair with light brown at the tips and looked pretty fit. 

"What happened there?" the stranger pointed towards my shirt. I figured that he was pointing to the stain. "Don't worry about it," I said not wanting to spend time chit chatting while the stain is drying on my shirt. I walked past him not giving a second glance.

I vigorously tried to wipe the stain off with water but it seemed to not work. "Why does it look and smell like piss?" I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I decided to put soap on it. I put some soap in my hands and when I was an inch away from putting it on my shirt someone spoke. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I looked over to the source seeing the same guy who caught me. He was leaning against the wall giving a sly smirk.

"It's just soap," I answered slightly annoyed by the strangers presence. He gave a shrug, for some reason, ushering me to proceed. I looked back at my shirt and started to rub the soap over the stain. It looked like it was going away as I gave a sigh of relief. That relief soon went away when I tried to wash the soap out...

"Why the heck is it pink?" I stared at it bewiled by the new bright stain. From the corner of my eye I see the guy trying so desperately in holding back his laughter. But once my full attention was on him, he let it all out. He was cackling while holding his stomach and it looked like he had tears in his eyes.

"What's so funny?" I glared at him waiting for a response. What is this dude's problem? I've been having this weird gut feeling when ever I'm around him. He raised his arms up in surrender bringing his laughter down into a mere chuckle. "I tried to warn you. Some dude's came in here and put some water paint in the soap," he continued as he stared at me in some hint of delight. 

"Also, the stain that looks like piss is beer but the smell of piss is probably just from the bathroom itself. He watched in enjoyment as I put some more water on the stain. "I'm guessing this is your first party experience." I stopped what I was doing and just gave him a plain look. "How can you tell," I said sarcastically and went back to work.

A few minutes past before I heard shuffling and then a tap on my shoulder. I looked up at him emotionlessly. "What?" I bluntly said. He gave me a soft smile, for some reason, and then motioned for me to follow him. He walked to the door and opened it. I stared at him with a cautious look. I was half expecting him to leave but he just stood there and stared.

I gave a sigh coming to a conclusion that he wasn't going to leave. I walked over next to him by the door. He pointed outside and I walked out relunctantly. He followed behind me but far enough, he went in front of me so I could follow him. I didn't look around because if I did, I was sure I was going to be sick... again.

I stared at his back not taking my eyes off him. This feeling I have towards him is odd. I have this feeling that I have to be hostile towards him. 

He led me upstairs and into an empty room. Once I was in he closed the door behind me and then leaned on it as he crossed his arms. He just stared at me as if he was expecting me to do something.

He finally realized that I can't read minds. "What are you standing there for? Strip," he bluntly said as I stared at him skeptical. He just looked at me, no hint of concern on what he said or how he phrased it. Since I was just staring at him, he gave me an odd look. "What's wron-" at that moment I saw a hint of realization in his eyes before his face became a bit red.

He lowered his head as his bangs covered his eyes. He walked over to a closet and opened it. He pulled out a black shirt that seemed a bit tight. He walked back over to me and placed it on the bed next to me. "There. You change into that." He walked back over to the door leaning back onto it. "I'm staying here to make sure you don't steal anything. So, you should really stop staring at me like that expecting me to leave." I scoffed at him. What is there even to steal? There is nothing to steal. I only see a bed, a closet, and a door to the bathroom. 

I turned facing him and took off my shirt. I don't want him to see the scars on my back and ask questions. It's not really something traumatic for me to talk about. It just gets annoying whenever you change in a public place and have people just ask the same question every time. 'Are you okay?' 'How did you get it?' 'Do you want to talk about it?' 'Do you need help?'

I grabbed the black shirt and it resulted in my back to face his direction. I looked to the corner of my eye and I saw him lift his head a bit as he stared in my direction. I scoffed as I could feel his stare at my back. The expression he made looking at me was unreadable. It wasn't any pity look and neither a curious look. His eyes looked dull as if there was no life in it.

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