Chapter Thirty-One

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There is a kind of unsaid happinesses that comes with being happily in love. Before you judge a situation, always listen to the other person's explanation.

I haven't smiled this much on years and nothing can take that smile of my face.

"Nova" or maybe there is, that familiar voice, the very one I still haven't prepared a response for.

Wait a minute, Nova?

"Good morning sir" I turned around and greeted, he was smiling so hard, his face was nothing like how I last saw it. Whatever happened while I was away?

"Oh please, you know I was just pissed, how was the trip?" He asked and for some reason I was really happy he is no longer pissed.

"Really great!" I replied him and turned to leave, only to bump into someone and my bag fell, every single thing inside of it scattered all over the reception.

"I'm sorry ma'am" the not so familiar worker told me and I just waved it, I have a bigger task of getting my things together, it was useless picking a fight with her.

I got down to get my stuffs when something got smashed right in front of me, I jumped as the glass shattered on the floor. 

Getting a better look of the smashed item, it was a small framed picture of Jordan and I that I planned on placing in my office and standing above me was.......

"Drey? The fuck did you just do?" I couldn't help raising my voice which surely caught people's attention.

"Is this it? You and Jordan? Who would have believed this? And to think you were fucking around with me!" He wasn't giving me any respect, opening up an issue as delicate as this right in front of everyone.

"Mind your tone man, I wasn't fucking around with while I dated someone, I'm no whore! I made my feelings clear, and now, Jordan and I are back together so what?"

"You know it Nova, you couldn't even have the decency to tell me about you two, you just avoided him like a plague! Back together, he was the ex you told me about, the ass who tore you to pieces and your slutty ass just can't keep it together at the mere sight of him, I thought you had more dignity, more.....

Without thinking, my palm landed on his face and it sure must sting badly. How dare he judge me? What does he know about me? This bastard!

"How dare you?" He roared, everyone was still staring while I was thinking up a response.

"A man who shows a woman no respect doesn't deserve her, how dare you try humiliate a woman, my woman publicly? You should be ashamed stooping low enough to fuck your employee" wherever Jordan just have been, I didn't know but he just came at the right time and got real his words not right.

Drey stared at him I'm disbelief, he shook his head at the thought of whatever he had and turned to me.

"You really chose this jerk over me? How low your standard must be.... Oh Nova, you're fired" he told me and walked out before I could reply.

"Drey" I called him making him look back. "I quit, you can go fuck the next person you hire! And oh, you are more of a jerk and asshole" this time it was me who walked out.

Once a chapter opens in my life, another closes. I just got back the love of my life and I lost my job, lost Drey who actually mattered so much to me but I know my friends will be back, Trish and Honey will finally forgive me, and Miley? I know she always got my back.

I miss mom and dad but I am happy I fixed things with them before their death. As I open this next chapter of a maybe ever after, I want to make sure I make it to a happily ever after, Nordan till out dying day but tomorrow is not promised after all.


Who knew I had people who loves me so much, my house is filled with loved ones just a day after losing my job.

Trish and Honey came because to they heard I made up with Jordan, the reason I missed Trish's wedding. Lois being Trish's husband came as well, with Corrine, their baby.

Corrine has been all over my apartment, crawling here and there and Lois had been all "come back here, oh no not that" The Joy of fatherhood I must say.

Andrew and Jordan wouldn't stop gossiping, I mean do men gossip? Well, these two do.

Miley, Trisha and Honey were busy discoursing Honey's wedding and how her mother had finally decided to stay married.

I am just here observing everything and happy how great my life turned out, even though I started this story of mine with much more people and lost some on the way, to death or just life, I remain happy.

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