Chapter Twenty

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I was shocked seeing Jordan solve the equation right, maybe he actually did know it and was just kidding around with the teacher.

"Having full knowledge of what we are working on doesn't give you rights to turn my class into a comedy house" Ms. Frey told Jordan who returned to his seat, pretending not to hear what Ms. Frey had said, he gave me a wink before getting seated.


"You surprised me completely, how do you know that crazy question, it seemed like you were working magic" Lois asked Jordan who smiled and hung is hand around my neck.

"I've got a brilliant girlfriend here" he said giving me a kiss on my cheek. I was quick to push him off.

"I am not your girlfriend!" I yelled at him making all our friends laugh, it isn't funny.

"Sooner or later doll, you will have no choice than to admit it"

"Admit what?"

"That you like him dummy" Trish shot in, seriously, I have crazy friends.

"I'm out of here" I told them, my hands in the air and walked out. Girlfriend my foot, he can't just call me that, we never even talked about it, I don't even have feelings for him.

Who are you fooling dummy, you sure do, those butterflies you feel in your stomach when your body touches his, or how your heart races when he appears before you, how you sheepishly blush when he winks at you, what do you call that?

Simple, confusion of the heart, we have spent more than enough time together and my heart is simply confused.

"NL, come on" I heard him call after me but I just couldn't respond, my mind was messed up, I don't exactly understand the feeling I have for him, it hasn't been long I met him.

"Nova!" He called again.

"Be quick please, I need to drop by my house to get some things" I told him, ignoring whatever he was planning to discuss.

"we will" he said finally getting to where I was resting on the passenger side of his car. "First, let's talk" he added, holding on to my two hands making a cute baby face.

"Jordan, please!" He sighed, unlocked the car and went over to the driver's side.

"Well, thank you Mr." I told him and got inside the car, the drive to my house was completely quiet, he was obviously trying hard not to say anything.

We got to my house and it was locked, that means mom is not home, I can't describe the kind of joy I was feeling for that fact. I was not ready to face her, she abandoned me when I needed her the most.

I got the spare key from the flower pot we always keep it and entered with Jordan following behind.

"I never took time to look in here, it's really nice" he commented and I nodded not trusting my voice.

"I'd wait for you" he told me, I nodded again and made a move to go upstairs but he pulled me back. What was he up to this time.

"I said I'd wait for you, I will wait until you are ready to open your heart to me and let me be there for you"

"Jordan, I don't.... I can't love you, we are two totally different people, your father is like a very prestigious man but me, I am just a broken teenage girl, I don't even have a home right now and......."

"And nothing, my life is not perfect, I'm the illegitimate child my father is so ashamed of, the son of a whore, no one is perfect" now that makes sense, the reason he is not identified publicly with his father is because he is illegitimate, wow.


"Still? Even if I do this?" He asked and before processing anything, his lips was on mine and it felt incredibly nice, I felt like a million switch went off inside of me, the sparks that I was not willing for it to end.

My eyes shot close enjoying the sweetness overflowing through my system, I was unaware of the kiss ending and when I realised, opening my eyes, I met cute pair of eyes staring down at me with a satisfied smile on the lips that had just kissed mine.

"I really like you Nova Lionel, I do" he told me with all sincerity, so sincerely I was convinced, convinced that maybe we could make this work.

"I'd put you under trial" I finally said causing him to burst into a loud laughter.

"Oh, I'm a boyfriend on probation? Doesn't sound bad" he replied lifting me up and spinning around. "Nova Lionel is my girlfriend" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"On trial Jordan" I reminded him.

"I'm the best guy ever, no one compares to me" he bragged.

"Now you're being cocky"

"I have to be, my girlfriend is the most beautiful girl ever" he told me, leaving a light kiss on my lip. "Let's go get your things".

One kiss became two and three, then four until we lost counts, I've spent over two weeks in his house and Honey's mom? She never got married, let me tell you what my sweet boyfriend did.


This chapter is really short, forgive me people.

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