Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I rolled in my bed, my alarm must have beeped hours ago but I don't even know if I can face Drey at work today, not after what happened yesterday.

It was all my fault, I shouldn't have used him the way I did, I knew I didn't love him, I kept making him hope. I don't blame him because if I were to be in his shoes, I'd be shattered.

My phone rang, I picked it up to check the caller ID "DREY", my heart skipped a beat, I'm late for work but still in bed, I know for a fact that I've lost my job.

"Miss. Lionel, I'm sure you are aware of what time you are to resume at work" Miss. Lionel? He is really taking this too far.

"My schedule is empty for the day and I am preparing for my trip to Hawaii" I told him, who gives better excuses than me.


"Do you think we can see la...." The call dropped dead cutting me off, was he really going to keep up with this?

I sluggishly got out of bed and decided to make myself something for breakfast, I was shocked to perceive nice aroma coming from my kitchen. I hurried down there to meet two unexpected guests, Miley and Jordan.

"Miley!" I screamed going to give her a bone crushing hug. "I'm so sorry for what I said, trust me"

"I know, you were stupid" she told me and I nodded, I gestured at Jordan and asked Miley

"What is he doing here?" She exchanged looks with Jordan leaving me staring at them both stupidly. I hate it when my friends do stuffs without telling me.

"He came with me, I believe you two have things to discuss" she replied getting ready to leave, how could she do this? This is the same reason we fought last time, I love her advices but hate it when she just make decisions for me.

"Miley, I don't like this, there is nothing to discuss with this son of a bitch" I told her, fixing my eyes on Jordan's as I said the last part not even minding the hurt that seemed to flash in his face. Miley shook her head in disapproval but at this point, I don't care.

"Nova stop being so headstrong" she told me calmly but I walked out on them both, the idiot was just staring at us like we were shooting a movie, the guts of that guy.

I closed my room door shut hoping they'd be gone by the time I decide to go back out. Maybe I will even eat the grits he made, I never knew he could cook. He had just been all over at work and now he is in my house, can't he just disappear? Seeing him everyday softens my heart, I am scared I'd start loving him again and get hurt all over again.

That stupid, cheating bastard! It's no wonder couples breakup before heading to college, I thought our love was strong enough to handle the long distance. Stupid me, trusting a boy who never told me once that he loved me.

I was still busy thinking about my life when I got a message from work. A reservation at the company's beach house in Hawaii. Fuck Drey!

I don't know how we will manage in Hawaii, Drey can be an asshole sometimes. Even though he doesn't know what Jordan and I have, he knows how hard I try to avoid him and he is making us stay in the same house for a week!

I officially hate all the men in this world!!!!!!!!

Jordan's POV

Miley and I kept waiting for Nova to return but she did not, for hours. I made a huge mistake but her reason for hating me is not my fault, she just wouldn't listen.

"We should leave, she is determined to stay away from me" I told Miley who just nodded and got up.

"You still have the whole Hawaii trip to explain things to her" I nodded. although, I was not sure Hawaii would work. She can ignore me if she wants.

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