Chapter Twenty-Two

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Wedding Day

It's no news that I have let down my friends on this day by trusting a boy who I thought meant good.

I thought he meant good, I really did but now I guess I know who he really is, I guess I won't be going to Prom too, I can't go alone.

Seriously, I can't believe just one boy appeared and ruined all of my plans.

Refusing to go to school all these while just because of him was exactly as foolish as my friends tell me it is.

It was so fortunate we had our final exams before all these shit, everyone has just been on and on about prom,I even have my prom dress planned and got Jordan a matching tie secretly, hoping he'd ask me. Maybe now I know who he will ask.

"Nova!" Trish screamed in my ear bringing me back to reality.

"Jeez" I yelled in shock.

I saw all of my friends fully dressed and shaking their heads.

"Get dressed" Miley told me sternly, focusing on the craziness they call marriage, I started getting dressed.

"Wow, it looks amazing on you, aunt Lora sure do have a great sense of fashion" Trish commended, appreciating the way my dress looked on me, we all had the same dress on though and it looks just as good on the rest of them.

"I'd get the make-up artist" Honey told us and left.

The rest of us had breakfast while we expected her return.

She was starting to take quite longer than expected and we were getting worried.

"Do you think I should go check on her?" Miley suggested and we nodded in response but before she could leave, I heard my phone ring.

"It's Tara" I told them.

"Pick up her call and let me give her a piece of her cake, that bitch" Trish said, fuming.

"Calm down you" Miley told Trish then urged me to pick the call.

I thought about a million reasons why Tara would be giving me a call, maybe her new sweetheart broke her heart and she needs a way to get him back, afterall, I'd know him better than her slutty ass do.

"What do....."

"Your friend Honey is with me, I'd be sending two boys over now, just follow them". I ended the call and dropped my phone slowly.

"What did she say?"

"She abducted Honey"

"The heck" Miley and Trish yelled at the same time.

I filled them in on everything and it was just unbelievable that Tara could do such, what will she gain from all of these?

"Fine! Let's go along with her plan but this will be the last, this is abduction and I won't let her get away with it" Miley ranted.

"You mean we should go with the boys?" Trish asked in confusion, I was just as confused, it's like willing allowing ourselves get abducted.

"So? Do we leave our friend in the hands of that witch? Besides, this will put an end to this crazy wedding!" Miley explained and almost immediately our door burst open and two handsome boys walked in.

Handsome,, hmmm.

"I'm sure you understand all of this, quietly come with us so things doesn't get messy" one of them, the tall one said.

"Let's go" Trish said, they tried holding us out.

"No one touch me! Do you want to draw attention to yourselves?" I asked the other boy who was of moderate height, the tall one gave him a slight nod and he let go.

What is the easiest thing in life? Abducting people who were more than willing to be abducted.

This would not last long, it's Tara afterall, that dumb idiot.



I, Lois and Andrew waited in my car a few metres away from the abandoned office Tara was meant to bring the girls. I knew they would think this was all Tara's doing and would not for once think of this as my plan to help them ruin that stupid excuse for a marriage.

"It's time" Andrew told me and I sent an inbox to Nova.

*Stay cool, it's part of the plan, trust me this one time*

"I hope she considers trusting me" I told the boys and they only shrugged.

"She is not dumb though" Andrew told me, at times like this Lois is too dumb to have an addition.

Another short chapter!
Hope you loved it though
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