Chapter Ten

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Nova's POV.

Flashback continues

I picked up the remote, it is afterall a Sunday, Netflix is the best plan for today.

Looking through the movies available, I decided to watch black-ish all over again.

"Not again" oh no, I forgot Honey was still here, she was just waking up, imagine. I am sure she has no idea about Trish's crazy IG post.

"Be worried about what your mom will say about Trish's post and worry less about my choice of movie" I told her and turned back to focus on my movie, grabbed Twinkie where Trish had dumped her, I pulled her close and sat with my two legs crossed on a footstool.

"No way!!!" Honey screamed, really? Was it that bad? At least they have parents who worry about what they post online, oh that reminds me, Mom slept over at the hospital yesterday and I should go visit dad today.

Oh, Honey just screamed, should I react? should I not? I definitely should just focus on my movie right? Yeah, I'mma just do that. Or nah! Because she is right in front of me.

"She need to put it down, like right now" I watched a angry Honey yell in my face, like bitch, I am not the one who did this shit.

"Okay" I said and focused on my movie once again but unlucky me uhn? I have friends. Honey went ahead and stood right in front of the TV.

"You know what? You should stop bothering me because Trish is probably somewhere receiving thousands of punches from Miley, maybe you should go join. Move" is Miley really hitting Trish right now? She can't right? Just like Honey was thinking the same thing as me, we looked at each other and scream.

In less than what seemed like seconds, we were out of the door to save our notorious friend but guess what, those bitches were strolling in with cups of ice cream and smiles on their faces.

Once again, Honey and I stared at each other, shook our heads and returned inside. Those fools made up so quickly, working us up for nothing.


Finally, my day became normal again, after abnormal friends left, I went ahead and took a nice bath, then dressed quickly, grabbed the keys to my BMW and headed straight outside.

Finally, my day became normal again, after abnormal friends left, I went ahead and took a nice bath, then dressed quickly, grabbed the keys to my BMW and headed straight outside

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Of everything I own, I love my car, afterall it's part what I get as a replacement for my mother. Money and expensive gifts like that was supposed to play her role. But then again, she had to pay dad's bills, my school fees, water bill, electricity bills, home maintenance every bill that arises.

It was a few minute drive to the hospital and I was more than eager to see my dad, I visits him once in two days and we spend those time talking, me getting advices, we bond well and I am really close to him, I hope he gets better soon.

I was on my way to by dad's room when someone intentionally bumped into me. Urgggggh, not this idiot.

"You again? Why does it seem like you are everywhere I go? Even hospital now? Are you stalking me?" I threw series of questions at him, leaving him quite confused.

"I don't know which of those questions to reply, so instead, I'd just ask mine. Why are you here?"

Really? Was he replying all of my questions with that question? Is he really dumb? He can't handle a few questions?

"I ask first" I replied him with a roll of my eyes and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Fair enough. Got into a fight last night, sustained an injury on my head which is quite obvious with the bandage, makes me wonder why you asked" he was trying to avoid moving his head too much, guess that will cause him pain, he must be in so much pain, somehow I pitied him but how did he get into a fight this dangerous?

"Well... For all I know, the bandage could be fake, you could be stalking me" I said with a little raise in my voice and attempted to leave in style but he stopped me.

"What are you doing here?" I guess he was concerned, his face gave that away even though he might not really want to.

"Non of your business" I shot at him, he placed his hand over his chest toward the heart and said "ow" faking a hurt face. Really?

"It was not your business when I told you why I was here" he replied "it's only fair you tell me too" he added. Somehow he has a point.

"You gave it all away, I never forced you".

"You really can't lose to anyone uhn? Cool" he replied and turn to leave but I was the one to stop him this time. Somehow it crossed my mind we needed him, Honey more than anyone.

"Uhmm... Jordan" He turned back looking surprised I called him, I guess it was the first time I actually called him by his name.

"Yes ma'am?" He replied smiling.

"We really do need to talk about something and it's urgent" I told him hoping he will consider.

"That shouldn't be any of my business" he retorted, guess I should have expected that. Nova, you got defeated.

"My dad is sick and I'm on my way to go see him, now that I told you, can we talk?" I really would not let Honey down because of my childishness, I need a crazy, wild, carefree person for this and Jordan seem to be my best option.

"I'm sorry about your dad, is it a serious illness?" That is it, I knew he would ask further questions, just what I wanted to avoid.

"So where and when can we talk?" I asked him hoping he gets the point that I don't want to discuss that.

"At yours when you are done here, if that is okay with you" he suggested, I was more than happy he decided to be serious for one and considerate.

"Sure, so I will just......

"Miss. Lionel" I was cut short by a voice I recognized to be the doctors'

I turned to respond to him and he approached me with a sad face, I knew more than to receive a sad face from a doctor, last year when my granny died, I got this same sad face.

"Doctor H" trust me, I never remembers his name.

"Oh, darling, I was not expecting to see you here, I am sure your mom broke the news to you already. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace" I was confused my the doctor's words, wait....  Whose soul?

"Amen, but who?" I asked with tears already in my eyes, he looked at me in shock not knowing what to say, he thought I knew, mom knew but never told me, I have not even seen her since she left yesterday.

I needn't more words from him, my body felt weak and I lost balance, collapsing in the arms of the boy I had just spent my last few minutes bickering with. I could hear Jordan since in pain as he rushed to hold me, he must have moved his head in the process.

The doctor was asking if I was okay but I was unable to speak, I tried talking but it was hard, dad could not have died, he had the transplant done and it was successful, so why?

Apparently, her dad died and her mom is gone again, on whose shoulder would she cry? Jordans? What then will that mean for them?

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