Chapter six

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Jordan's POV

I wanted to do this shoot and get over with, especially when I will have to team up with Shem. When I got here yesterday, I saw her insulting workers in here and later on she was flirting with me making me dislike her immediately.

She seem to be a new recruit and she was already all over the place, when she called this morning that she wouldn't be able to make it for the shoot, I was so glad.

Ramos was pissed when he heard that she cancelled, everything was arranged in a rush and now she cancelled, it only mean all these stress will be gone through again just because of her.

"This is completely messed up, I can't work with lackadaisical people like this" Ramos lamented, he was visibly stressed. Then an idea popped into my head.

"I know this is out of it but can Nova pair up with me?" Judge me all you can, I'm selfish, yes I am but I just have to do this.

There is no losing NL, not again. I know what I did was wrong and stupid but I am so sorry and wish she could forgive me. Let's continue the story from where we left.


Unpacking was quite stressful but in no time I was done, all along the two dufus I have as roommates were just staring at me, don't they have anything to do? I thought college was meant to be tough and busy.

After unpacking, I got settled and picked up my phone to speak with NL but I was shocked by the two figures smiling down at me. I looked at their faces one after another but they were only smiling like idiots.

"What?" I asked confused.

"We are going into town tonight, wanna come?" Crystal asked me with Rodriguez nodding. Wait, are these two like robots or what?

"I don't thi........."

"Shhhh, man up J, it is going to be fun, buzz and girls, loud music, common" Crystal said trying to convince me, wild parties are my scene and I used to be the boss of party in highschool, I throw the best parties but do I really want to go with them?

"Quit thinking" Crystal added and like a fool I found myself nodding slowly.

"Yeah man" Rodriguez beamed and hurried to my wardrobe, I thought these were things girls do on a party night, was he really getting me dressed?

I guess I got the answer to my question when a blues Jean and Red tee was dropped on my bed.

"Get dressed" Crystal yelled over the loud music he started playing a while ago, I'm in for some deep shit!!!

I'm not the kind of guy who hide himself, I don't pretend. Immediately we got to the club, I made my way straight to the bar with Crystal and Rodriguez following behind me.

Crystal gave my shoulder a light squeeze as I settled on one of the bar stools and ordered a whiskey.

"Way to go man, I knew you had it in you" Crystal commented and they both ordered the same, all along Rodriguez was just laughing like an idiot.

While drinking, a lady came over and started flirting and touching me, I knew it was wrong, NL was there and I would not want to let her down.

"My friends here might be interested in you" I told her then, excused myself. Loyal boyfriend? I know.

Loud music, strangers grinding on each other, some eating out each other's face, some were actually fucking in the dark but in everything, a pretty young lady was on her own in the corner of the club.

She seemed reserved unlike most girls you find in the club so, I made my way to her.

"Hey" I said hoping she would hear me over the loud music and thankfully she did and replied "hi".

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