Chapter Eleven

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So, I decided to give you this story of their high school, then move to college before coming back to the present to tell you what happens between them later on, I guess you need to understand roots of their relationship and the reasons for their fight and everything, before you can understand the actions being taken by the both of them presently. The high school will contain two POVs, that of Nova and Jordan.

This chapter is dedicated to Maya_kelly4

That being said, let us dive into the book.

Jordan's POV.

It was crazy getting Nova home, the doctor said she was fine and I could take her, it was the shock of her father's death.

I managed to find her car in the car park and got her in, the problem was knowing where she lived. The stress was causing me headaches as my head was not yet healed.

"So, where do you live?" I asked her hoping she was going to respond, all along she had been looking like zombie. I actually believe she should be admitted but Doctor Hector says she is fine, just in shock.

"Nova?" She only kept staring at nothing, seriously, this is getting out of hand. I inserted the key and invited the car into motion, I have no other option that to go to my house.

Let me tell you something about me, My name is Jordan Myers and I am an orphan, like not literally but technically.

My dad doesn't stay home and my mom is a whore, she will rather sleep at her boyfriends' than come home to her son. At least dad cares a little but he has been drifting these days, rumor has it that he had move to Hawaii with his family, good for him.

I drove straight to into my compound, it was quiet as ever, the only time this place had any noise is when Andrew and Lois are around. The fleet of cars had nothing on me, the mansion had nothing on me, not even the tons of maids which I have been firing one after the other, now I have only six left, waiting for the slightest mistake to fire them.

Dad has a real family, a beautiful wife, two daughters and a son, he impregnated my excuse of a mother and had been a father figure to me for years until recently, just recently, he ventured into politics and started running for presidency, he felt it might leak that he has an illegitimate son therefore, ruining his chance of being president and also ruining his real family. Bullshit!

I pulled Nova inside my house and helped her to my room, laid her on my bed then went to the kitchen, Rita was in there having a chat with Mel but the moment I walked in, they straightened up.

"I care less about your chitty chat, prepare something nice for a friend and bring it into my room" I requested and left not waiting for a response. I never do.

I made my way upstairs and went to my room only to find Nova missing, where did she go? Did her shock also affect her brains now? I hurried back downstairs but she was not there, I ran back upstairs again only to find her, this time admiring my family picture.

"You" I said in shock "where were you?" I asked, was she a kind of spirit or ghost now, appearing and disappearing.

"I went into the toilet, sorry" why was she being polite? She has never been, not even once.

"Are you fine now?" I asked her, walking over to her and checked her face well.

"I'm fine, I guess. Sorry for the inconvenience, I... Uhmmm... I should get going" she said, I found it writes that she could look me in the eyes and talk like we are on good terms.

The doctor said her mother had to rush to work this morning and she promised to inform Nova about her father's demise, it just so happens that she did not. I feel pity for her.

"I asked the maid to prepare something for you, you should eat before you leave"

"I don't have any appetite right now Jordan" She replied

"You should eat Nova, starving yourself won't do you any good"

"What do you know? You have a happy family, that's your dad, isn't he Ray Myers? The contending president, one of the richest man? Look at your faces, happy but me, the only person who cares about me just died, what right do I have to eat? He is gone!" She yelled, tears rolling down her eyes as she slowly bent down, covering her face as she weeped.

She might have just judged my life so easily without understanding anything about me, I feel sorry for her, she must be going through a tough time right now.

I crouched beside her and pulled her in my arms, allowing her cry out. Seeing this side of her was really surprising compared to her usual tough front.

"He is not gone NL, your dad will always be there, he lives in you" I told her using the words of my grandmother, those were the last words she told me, "I will always be there J-boy, think of it like I live in you".

The door to my room burst open with Rita carrying a tray with covered plates on it, guess the good is finally ready. She stared at both of us on the floor in a kind of way I couldn't understand.

I brought NL up and helped her seat right in front of my reading table.

"I made Chicken fried steak, hope that is fine?" Rita finally said, I thought she was going to keet staring at us like some movie.

"Oh, you finally figured how to speak! Drop it and leave"

"I'm sorry sir" she said, leaving immediately after dropping the good on the table, just as I had commanded.

I sat on the table staring at NL, who was staring at the food before her, making no attempt to eat. I picked up the fork and attempted to feed her with the food but instead of eating, she started shedding tears yet again.

This is serious.

"I need to get your friends, can I?" She nodded slowly and gave her phone to me.

"Trish, Honey and Miley" she said not even looking at me, I decided to call my friends too. I can't do this on my own, it just isn't happening.

I have never had to comfort someone who just lost their dear one, especially someone who I had always had to exchange words with, someone I liked.

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