Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Nova's POV

We arrived late in the afternoon and I was exhausted, the beach house was cleaned up already.

Thank goodness Drey didn't leave it up to me.

I don't even know what he is capable of doing anymore, heaven only knows how much longer my job will last.a

"It's big in here" Jordan commented and I nodded.

"There are three rooms, you can decide to pick one, the kitchen is over at that side, their is a stair case right over there, the restroom is......" He cut me off as I tried explaining where everything was, pointing here and there.

"Seems complicated, you might want to show it to me" I was not ready to spend another minute with him doing anything not work related, he might as well go around himself.

"I can't, I'm busy" I tried telling him off.

"We are here for work and it doesn't start until tomorrow, you can just show me" guess I have no choice than to come clean with him, if I keep giving excuses, I won't get out of this.

"Listen, I know you might think of this as an opportunity to get with me but it won't work, don't talk to me except it's official" I told him plainly and got my things to leave. He pulled me back quickly.

"I have to tell you, to explain, you can't just forget everything like it was nothing"

"Does that explanation include why you cheated on me with that thing..."

"I never cheated on you and Catty is human not some "thing" like you call her"

"I don't care, all I know is that you cheated on me with her and all these years you still don't think it takes sorry and an explanation? There is no explanation for cheating, so leave me the hell alone!" I yelled at him so loudly I felt my throat will burst.

Explanation? That is all he thinks of! After I left his house back then, I went to make up with my mom but she was leaving town, I had to leave with her but I still reached him over the phone.

Who knew my mom was going through hell deep down inside of her, one day, she just drove off and never came back, all I saw later on was her dead body, she crashed.

College was not easy, my boyfriend literally ignored me and when I went to his school, he wasn't where he told me he stayed but his roommate, they took me to the club he was and guess what? My boyfriend! Jordan was there sucking off some lady's face.

I got it all, the reason he doesn't return my calls or reply my message was because he was seeing someone else and guess what he told me.

"We are just friends, I am not cheating on you, I would never" I was pissed, the boy that I loved and cared so much for didn't even care one bit about me.

"Wow, friends! Soon enough you'd be sucking more than each other's faces, or maybe you already do" I yelled at him and left. He never came after me, he never called, nothing!

Now that I think of it, he never told me once that he loves me. Now he wants me back? To hell with love.

Jordan's POV

I watched her leave like she always do, the same way she left back then without listening to my explanation is the same way she left now. No turning back or any benefit of doubt.

What I regret the most is trusting those stupid friends of mine, the way they betrayed me.

I found my way to one of the empty rooms, she had done me the favor of opening them, so I don't mistakenly barge into hers. Great Nova! Great!

After finally settling, I had to call Miley for help. No one knows a lady more than her best friend and the call was worth it. Finally, I know what to do.

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