Chapter Fifteen

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Tara was hanging around her friends by her car when I drive into school, I prayed so hard she doesn't notice me drive in, I didn't want some girl clinging to me like some piece of gum.

"Jordan baby" That annoying voice of hers said as I passed by them, talk about being unfortunate.

She is pretty and popular and all that but I hate how she tries to claim me for herself or how she follows me everywhere.

"Tara, morning" I replied her quickly walking away, all I had in mind was NL, I did not see her car in the park and hope she came to school.

She told me yesterday that she will be fine and she also said "see you in school".

I ran my hand through my hair, stupid me, I don't even have her contact.

"Dude" I heard Andrew say as he and Lois walked towards me.

"Hey" I replied dryly. They exchanged looks and then turned to me again.

"What's up with your mood?" Andrew asked.

"I have a bad feeling about NL, she is not even in school" I explained to them.

"Oh, a girl got you this way" Lois said, please man, I'm not in for your talks.

"Why don't you give her a call?" Andrew asked me, I threw out my two hands more like in surrender.

I don't know her home address, I don't have a phone number, stupid!

"You see that is where Lois comes in, You think I'm dumb but I have more sense than you" Lois said dialing a number on his phone.

Andrew and I stared at him in shock, when did he get her contact?

"Morning to you too..... Nope, you wish I did didn't you....... Seriously, Nova is not in school and my friend here is almost pissing in his pants"

I had a urge to punch his cute face so hard at that statement.

"Yeah.... I'd be expecting" finally he ended his call.

"That was Trish, she will text me Nova's address" he told us, of course that was Trish. "So fast, here" he said giving his phone.

Andrew and I dashed out immediately only to realize Lois was still in the same spot, staring like an idiot.

"What? Are we going now?" How can someone be so stupid.

"No, we just gonna leave her, wait till she shows up" Andrew shot at him.

"Oh... Okay" he replied. Like his brain was suddenly tapped he added "now that was sarcasm wasn't it?".

I did not bother waiting anymore,I headed for my car leaving them to either come along or find their way.

They ran quickly after me and fortunately made it before I drove off. Remind me why I'm friends with them again.

"Calm down dude, we going to check on Nova but you could actually get us killed with your speed" Lois yelled from the back seat.

I never even realised I was speeding way too much. I reduced my speed but still they weren't comfortable.

We got to Nova's house in no time, first thing I noticed, the door was open. I exchanged looks with my only sensible friends but still we went in, rushing up the stairs. We checked all the rooms before finally finding hers.

She was on the bed laying lifeless!

That was what I thought though, bottles of buzz on the floor.

I shake her body on the bed but she was not replying, she looked dead except she was still breathing.

I carried her quickly and laid her at the backseat of my car, I was about entering the driver's seat when Andrew stopped me.

"Go sit at the back, let me drive, I can't watch you murder us" without arguing, I just went to the backseat, placed Nova's head on my laps while Andrew drove us to the hospital

I just can't believe Nova did this to herself, I asked her if she would be fine and she lied. Maybe she just doesn't trust me enough to tell me, she still considers me a stranger, maybe.

We finally arrived at the hospital, Andrew had been moving so slowly, even a snail would have moved faster than he did.

He went in to report an emergency and a stretcher was brought to carry Nova in while I followed it, she was taken to the intensive care.

The doctor asked us to wait outside that we couldn't go in with her, I really wish he had allowed me in at least, just to make sure she was fine.

"She is with the doctors, I'm sure they know what they are doing" Andrew assured me and I only nodded.

"I can't believe she did that though" Lois said, really, I couldn't either.

"She said she was fine, she said she would be okay on her own" I told them remembering how she assured me yesterday and even said "see you in school" not knowing she was planning to do this to herself.

"She told me too" Andrew said. While we were still talking about her, the doctor came to meet us.

"Please, which one of you is her family" the doctor asked us, I was quick to stand up.

"We are her friends, what happened?" I asked nervously, hoping she was fine.

"Please, I would like to speak with a family, preferably an adult" he insisted, this is one of the things I hate about doctors, why couldn't he just explain to us?

"We were the ones who brought her here for goodness sake, what happened?" I was close to yelling at the doctor.

Lois was quick to intervene, this guy hates trouble.

"Calm down man" he told me then turned to the doctor "her mother is not around and she just lost her father, we are the only ones that can stand in for her, so please talk to us" he calmly explained to the doctor.

Unbelievable, must we tell the story of her life before he speaks with us?

He nodded in understanding "she was dehydrated and had a lot of alcohol in her system, we had to drain it all out but she will be fine" he explained. Of course, alcohol, she was literally drowning herself in that, it was obvious.

"So, when can we see her?" Andrew asked, me? There was no way I was talking to this rude doctor, I wish we had gone to my family hospital which seems to be Nova's as well.

Lois received a call in private, Andrew and I wondered who it was but just decided to let it go.

"The girls are coming" he told us as he returned. I can't believe he told them, now they will have to leave school?

"That wasn't exactly necessary" I told him but he just shrugged.


I really feel bad for Nova, can't believe she did that to herself. I just hope it doesn't get worse.

Maybe Ever AfterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin