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Bella: And please welcome a new guest, mayo_blee731!

Pony: What!? I didn't know that was allowed...

Bella: Well, it is, buddy. Now, let's read this...*pulls out piece of paper, and gasps*

Pony: Bella?

Bella: *internally screaming*

Gabby: Hi, Nice to meet you, mayo_blee731...let me take care of Bella..*grabs Bella and drags her away*

Bella: *squeaking* noooooooo

mayo_blee731: Hey! I have a dare for you! Its-

Pony: let me see that! *grabs the paper from mayo_blee731's hands and gasps as he reads it*No way I can't do this..

Soda: *reads it* oh golly..

Pony: I know, I know...but it's a dare...

mayo_blee731: *smiles and leans in*

Pony: *grabs mayo_blee731's hands and kisses her slowly, his eyes dancing with nervousness* 

Soda: *jaw drops*

Johnny: Hey what's going on in-*gasps*

Bella: *screaming from a different room* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Gabby: Bella, it's a dare...

Pony: *backs up nervously, shoves his hands in his pockets*

mayo_blee731: You're a good kisser, Pony...

Pony: *blushes* aw thanks...

Soda: Pony, isn't this going a little too-

Bella: *runs in the room* HES MINE GRRRRRRR

mayo_blee731: What if I want him?

Pony: *shuffles around*

Bella: That's it...*takes deep breath* please leave

mayo_blee731: But I-

Soda: You should leave now...

mayo_blee731: Okay, thanks Soda! *walks off*

Darry: What's next, flying ponies?

Soda: I dunno man, but that was intense.. just when I thought things were getting better..

Darry: you think he likes her?

Soda: nah.......

*both remembering the kiss*

Darry: this is bad-

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