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Me: Yet another Dare for Steve! Again, it's from 

Steve: Great! it already.

Me: *chuckles* Jay dares you to "put ice cubes in his arm pits and leave them there till they have melted"

Steve: WHAT?

Me: *snorts* Yes! Now, let's start! *Takes ice cubes from a cup* You have to put 3 ice cubes under each armpit.

Steve: *looks at discord* That's not what it says!

Me: Well, I decided it was going to be that. Three, Two, One, GO!

Steve: *grabs ice cubes and shoves them under his armpits*

Pony: *stops drawing and looks over*

Me: omg ur cute face I could just *rambles* ;alkjf;asdlkfj;asdlfkjasd;lfkjsd;lf

Pony: *shakes his head and smiles*

Steve: IT BURNS!

Me: *falls on the ground laughing*

Pony: *sits on my bed*

Me: *has Ponyboy heart attack*

Steve: *grunting*

Me: Sure...*sits next to Pony*

Steve: *ice cube falls*


Me: Well...that's...

Pony: funny *smirk*

Steve: *slips on ice and drops other ice*

Me: uh...Steve are you okay??

Steve: *laying on the ground* Just fine-

Me: Ava's behind you

Steve: WHAT? *stands up*

Me: *laughing* Just kidding...

Pony: That's what you get for calling me a tag-a-long

Steve: *frowns* Well we have bigger problems, my armpits hurt nowwwwwww! *whines*

Me: Say bye, Steve!

Steve: BYE! *waves*

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