dirty confessions w/the gang

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Take 1:

Two-bit: Well, one time I dug in my ear to get the wax out and then licked my finger. *laughs with Steve* Good thing the camera wasn't on yet, that would have been embarrassing.

Steve: *chuckling* it is...

Two-bit: WHAT?
Take 2:

Two-bit: Sometimes before I go to sleep I sniff the bed sheets to make sure they don't smell like piss

Steve: *laughing his ass off* 

Two-bit: WHAT?

Steve: *continues laughing and falls off of the chair*

Take 3:

Soda: Sometimes, me and Pony would talk about what it would be like to walk in on Darry having sex. 

Pony: *laughs nervously, fidgeting with his hands, face turning red*

Soda: and then we would talk about what sounds he would make and the volume he would make those sounds

Pony: okay, Soda...

Soda: *grinning* And then we would talk about who would run in and spank his ass right before he-

Pony: SODA!

Welcome to dirty confessions with the Gang! I am your host, Bella Walbrun, and I am so excited to begin! Here's how it works. Each member is placed with one other contestant to discuss/admit their dirty confessions. At the end, we're going to have all of the gang tell their *deepest, darkest secret* and i'll reveal them anonymously. You guys can guess who you think did each one and next chapter the gang will tell you which one was theirs. Now, let's get started!

First we have Two-bit and Steve. Come on in, gentlemen.

Steve: *Saunters in, grinning ear to ear.*

Two-bit: *already laughing*

Well..you guys look ready...

Two-bit: Is the camera on yet?

No. (The camera is on, they knew that the minute they came in it would be.)

Two-bit: *grinning over at Steve* Wait wait, remember that one time...

*They both start laughing*

Two-bit: I-I'm talking about the time I dug in my ear to get the wax out and then licked my finger. 

Steve: *starts laughing so hard there is tears in his eyes*

*raises an eyebrow* Well you guys seem to be enjoying yourselves..

Two-bit:* continues laughing with Steve* Good thing the camera wasn't on yet, that would have been embarrassing. Ah, that's a good one...

Steve: *chuckling* it is...

Two-bit: WHAT? Are you serious right now? 

Steve: *laughs even harder*

Two-bit: What's so funny? Fine, you go ahead, tell them one.

Steve: *wipes his eyes* N-no you just said...the wax...*breaks out into laughter again* you said that on live television... you LICKED the wax, Two...

Two-bit: *his face is red as he laughs alongside Steve* Shut up!! Seriously, I want to hear what you have to say.

Steve: W-well...one time I...uhm...forgot to unzip my pants when I was going to the bathroom so I peed my pants all over myself AND the floor...*he can't finish his sentence he's laughing so hard*

Two-bit: Okay, that is disgusting. Even *I* haven't done that. *grinning widely* 

Steve: Get that cheeky grin off your face or i'll slap it off. *Steve's still laughing, he can barely catch his breath* 

Two-bit: okay, okay, I got another one. You ready? *his face is red, it's clear Steve's response is making him laugh*

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