dirty confessions w/the gang (+drama)

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Okay, you guys, it's been awhile. Give them something spicy. 

Darry: What? Spicy? W-what do you mean by t-

Steve: SPICAYY! LIKE JUICY! WE NEED SUM TEAAAA- *as he speaks his spit sprays all over Darry's face*

Darry: Wow. That was...really necessary. 

Steve: yes.

Soda: okay, well I just need to know, is this like...PG spicy or like...spicy spicy? *he raises his eyebrows with a smirk on his face*

Pony: preferably PG...right Bella?


Pony: Okay, well what then?


Pony: Give me an example.


Pony: why are you being so dry to me?


Pony: What did I do?!

Nothing just I said spicy, so do spicy. that's all it is.

Pony: okay, fine. *to soda* is she on her period?

I heard that!!

Pony: okay okay, sorry!

*flips him off*

Pony: why the fuck are you so mad at me?

Why the fuck are you so annoying?

Pony: no, but like, you've been mad at me the entire weekend...

Soda: guys, maybe if we just-

Pony: NO! I want to know why she's so mad at me! I literally apologized last night.

Well what if I don't forgive you?

Pony: you SAID you forgave me and then we cuddled after, remember?

you just can't read body language.

Soda: but you said it was okay...

Soda i didn't ask.

Pony: Bella, please, just tell me what's wrong...

i can't

Pony:  yes you can, i'm right here

it just doesn't feel the same anymore.

Pony: what doesn't feel the same, love?

Steve: I sense D R A M A

Soda: guys...can we PLEASE just get to the confessions?

Pony: Oh yeah, you sure must have a lot to get off of your chest then, don't  you Soda? Is your little game more important then my relationship?

Soda: I didn't say that! I just thought if we got our mind off of things...

Steve: Don't worry Soda, i'll play a game with you ;)

Soda: WHAT? No, that's not what I meant!!

Pony, I just don't...I don't know. Do you even love me?

Pony: Of course I do! Why would you even say that? We've been dating for two years, why wouldn't I love you?

'cause. it's different now.

Pony: How is it different?

because. do we have to discuss this now?

Pony: so you don't have an answer for me, then? Did you fall out of love with me?


Pony: Then what, Bella? Tell me!

You wouldn't understand.

Pony: Oh really? Try me. After everything we've been through together you think I wouldn't understand? 

i wish you were real.

Dally: damn.

Soda: oh.

Steve: I'm offended.

Pony: *tearing up* You know I can't help that. You're mad at me about that? 

No...i just...it just hurts.

Pony: you think it doesn't hurt me too? knowing that one day you'll fall in love with some other guy and forget about me because I was "never real anyway?"

Steve: or girl.

Pony: Shut up Steve! For five seconds, can you just shut up!?

Steve: *in a quiet voice* sorry

Soda: Bella...

Soda, just don't. Please. That's why this is such a dangerous fandom to be in, or any fandom really. I'm just hurting myself mentally.

Steve: So I guess we're not doing the confessions then?

Everyone: SHUT UP STEVE!

Pony: I just... i love you *his voice sounds small* i understand if you need to..take a break or whatever, but i really don't want you to go.

I don't want to go either.

Steve: *after a long, prolonged silence* well this is awkward 

Dally: *already packing his stuff*

Dally- what-

Steve: *starts sobbing* no, the gang can't fall apart!

Soda: Yeah Bella, you're one of us now.


Pony: Of course you are. You're my bella, and nothing can change that.

aww...um...don't you guys think it's a little weird that i'm writing back and fourth to myself?

Two: well..a little..but it's cool.

Johnny: honestly you wouldn't be you if you didn't do this...

Pony: and that's why I love you

Darry: we'll always be here for you, and we always will be, weather you like it or not

i think that's the wrong grammar 

Darry: it is but it's fine

Two: the point is, we love you kid, and honestly you're thinking too hard. if you need to take a *break* then fine, take a break. but you'll always be back anyway.

shut up.

Dally: well, it's the truth.

you're right.

Soda: We love you, Bella

I love you guys too.

Steve: *in a quiet voice* can i talk now?

Yes Steve, you can talk. *smiles*

Steve: I just wanted to *personally* say that Bella just got off her period, Pony

Pony: ohh okay...

thanks steve.

Steve: love you <3

*flips steve off* go away, get out

Steve: *laughs like a girl* 

Soda: *smirks and spanks steve's ass*

ugh why me?

Darry: I ask my question the same question every day, kid.

Johnny: But why not you?

Good point. I fit in quite well here.

Johnny: so we're *not* doing the confessions then?

mmm...no. not tonight. 

Dally: oh thank god man

but there's always tomorrow ;)

Dally: fuck you

please don't, that's Pony's job

Pony: YEAH! Wait WHAT?!?!?

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