Gang, I'm not okay..

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My life is so confusing right now. Whatever I say or do, something seems to be just going backwards. I can't seem to find the purpose in life. My friends and I are in such different places right now, one of my online friends is supposedly in the hospital, school is getting on my nerves and for the love of God, I just want to quit.

Pony: Hey, hey, hey, don't think like that! I know High School can be hard, but everything will turn out okay in the end. I promise.

Steve: yea guyz, clarly I hav problms and lok wher that got me nowe!

Steve...that's not helpful...but thank you. Some of my friends think i'm so stupid for imagining up you guys. It's almost like a coping mechanism. I don't know what I'm doing anymore and sometimes I feel like people have a right to make fun of me...

Soda: That's not true at all! People are just jerks. We all have our own insecurities, is it really right to bring yourself down just because yours is imagining things? We love you for you, and you should too.

Thanks Soda, I just sometimes feel like there is so much going on. It's just school is so repetitive, I don't feel like I have any time to organize myself.

Johnny: So, start now! Who says you can't take care of yourself while in school? You don't need a big break to make things happen, you know. With one step at a time, everything should turn out the way you want it, I promise.

Awe, thanks Johnny. It's just been a bad day today. I feel so stupid because I haven't written in here in so long, and my book isn't even close to being published because my parents don't have time to help me. My aunt won't edit it and I'm afraid it will never get done.

Dally: But we know you, Bella. You always push through, whenever things get tough. No matter what's currently happening, take care of yourself. Everything will get better man, I promise.

Thank you Dal, although I'm very confused why you are suddenly being so nice to me?

Dally: Cause I care about you, man. We all do. Right guys?

Two-bit: Damn right we do. You's our little sister.

Pony: And girlfriend, don't forget about that.

Darry: Well she ain't all our girlfriend. That would be weird.

Dally: of course you're the one to make it weird, Darry.

Steve: Aww, but I thout I was the wered one who coudn't spel?

Johnny: you are weird Steve, but that doesn't mean we don't love you. Right guys?

Two, Dally, and Pony: Yeah!

Soda: Wait just a minute. Remember two years ago when Bella started writing this book? She was only twelve then!

Yeah! Now I'm 14 and a freshman in high school! That's crazy.

Darry: You all are crazy. I'd be glad if you stopped writing this book. But here we are. Hmph.

Soda: Aw come on Darry, lighten up a little. Don't you see how happy this makes people?

Darry: Of course it would make you happy Soda, you're always in a good mood. *frowns*

Guys..seriously? I finally get you all back together and this is how you act?

Two-bit: Darry started it!

Darry: Hey, I did not! You're the one who's always drunk!

Two: Now what does that have to do with this situation, huh smart-ass?

Steve: Ooh, drama.

Pony: guys, please don't fight..

Johnny: this is the part that I didn't miss, I will admit that...

Dally: But Johnny man, we're greasers, fighting is what we do!

Pony: A label don't define who you are.

Soda: *claps*

Two: *hollers in appreciation and jumps on the table, a few glass bottles fall on the floor and break open*

Darry: Will you be QUIET? Seriously, now THIS is why I go to work so often, so that I don't have to deal with you!

Dally: *lights a cigarette, smirking* ouch man, that hurt.

Darry: shut it, bad boy.

Dally: emo.

Darry: what?

Dally: I'm emo now. And Pony's a furry.

Darry: WHAT?

Pony: AM NOT!

Dally: why's he called Pony then? He's a literal Pony. I even bought him a tail! *pulls out a fake tail from the dollar tree with a nail*


Dally: Should I put it on him in the next chapter? Comment x for your vote on either yes or no. Whatever x gets the most votes by friday will be the winner deciding if the dare will be completed or not. 

Oh, and don't be afraid to recommend your own truths and dares now that the book is active! I love you all and thank you so much for the support. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Stay tuned for more! Oh, and as always,

Stay Gold.


Should Pony get a tail in the next chapter?



Thank you! May the odds be ever in your favor :)

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