Darrel Curtis becomes a nurse and then harms his patient

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Steve: Hey gies, how was eac and evry one of yor dayz?

Soda: Mine was fine, thank you.

Steve: I wasn't talkin to ya, Sodea.

Soda: Oh. 

Steve: You are my best friend.

Soda: Oh.

Steve: *barks*

Soda: Oh.

Steve: ...

Soda: Oh.

Steve: Sodea is on crac

Soda: Sorry. Just got distracted there.

Steve: Do you now where Pony is?

Soda: I don't know, probably making out with Bella.

Pony: Excuse me, I'm right here! *frowns*

Steve: Hahaheaheaea *bellows*

Soda: Oh.

Pony: Steve, I think you broke Soda.

Steve: I. AM. A. ROBOT.

Pony: Oh boy.

Dally: Hey man, how was your day?

Pony: Mine was pretty good, other then the fact I have to deal with..him. *looks at Steve*

Steve: gagagagaga

Dally: I assume he's high or something..snap out of it buddy! *Hits Steve upside the head*

Steve: *moans*

Soda: Oh.

Dally: Okay, enough. *slaps Steve on the face*

Steve: gGaH

Darry: *comes in with the first aid kit* Everyone okay? I heard screaming!

Pony: *rolls eyes* We're fine, Darry.

Johnny: Yeah, we're okay, don't worry bout us! *smiles*

Bella: Aww, Johnny

Pony: Stop.

Bella: No, you stop!

Pony: Stop.

Bella: Neigh.

Johnny: MOO

Steve: CAW CAW


*Everyone turns to look at Soda*

Two-bit: I gave him a little something before we left for school-

Dally: Two, you know we don't actually learn at 'school' we just go to jump little kids while Bella works. *smirks*

Pony & Johnny: DALLY! 

Dally: What? It's the truth. I scared three 8th graders today.

Bella: Oh boy. Who?

Dally: Karter Showers, Ben Olson, and Michael Sterud.

Bella: Oh. Nice. All...interesting people.

Dally: My point exactly.

Two-bit: Guys, has Soda ever been drunk before?

Pony: No. He rarely ever drinks and when I say rare, I mean RARE. How much did you even give him?

Two-bit: I gave him a little more than my average. He said he was stressed, so I was just trying to help! *frowns*

Bella: TWO!


Two-bit: I'm sorry sir but I-

Darry: *hits him*

Two-bit: *wails* DARRY HIT ME

Darry: I didn't try! It was an accident!

Pony: Sure it was. Well. I don't know what to talk about. Bye.


Soda: Oh.

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