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Requested by steverandlehasmyhart 

Me: Okay, Steve, we got another request for you! *Shows him computer*

Steve: *smiles* Heck, Nobody really ever requested for me before.

Me: Ik sorry, ur really underrated, but look at this girls profile, she loves you!

Steve: *jaw drops and stares at profile*

Me: Ight Big brother, she asked you truth or dare, but she didn't say-- Steve?

Steve: *Smiling at profile*

Me: Okay, Steve, you can daydream later...

Steve: I bet she's beautiful...

Me: *facepalms* Yes, I'm sure she is, but Steve..

Steve: We can invite her over! I could show her my skills! I could-

Me: STEVE! You will get to meet her soon.

Steve: I WILL? *clears throat* I mean...I will.?

Me: *laughs* yes, silly now stop acting like a doof, you know everything we say gets recorded

Steve: WHAT? *Looks around the room, then back at me* I don't see no camera

Me: it's right here *points to my brain*

Steve: *rolls eyes* real funny, kid

Me: One, I'm not a kid and don't ever call me one again, two, I'm telling the truth

Steve: But you are a kid, you're twe-

Me: I said, SHUT UP! *smiles* Now, let's get on with you're challenge. OH!

Steve: What? *looks around* Is Ponyboy here?

Me: *face grows red* no! I get to pick the truth or truth or dare, Steve?

Steve: *laughs and grabs cake off my bookshelf* (DONT ASK WHY THATS THERE IDK)

Steve: *eating cake* Truth

Me: *bats eyes and smiles* oKaY! Is it true that you like

Steve: *stops chewing* Ey, who gave you permission to-

Me: It's Truth or Dare, Steve. We ask the questions.

Steve: Fine. *Looks around* Where is the camera? I need to look directly into it!

Me: Ummmh Steve I already told you-

Steve: You're head, okay! *shoves his face in my head*

Me: You disgust me

Steve: *Still chewing and looking into my head* Beautiful girl reading this, I have a crush on you, you are hot!

Me: Wow you are really embarrassing yourself. Way to make a first impression.

Steve: *backs away, crumbs falling all over* W'dyou mean?

Me: You will see soon enough *Publishes Chapter*

Steve: Oh shi-

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