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Me: And today, we pull Steve from his lovers arms to come back here to do more Dares!

Steve: Can you not be so dramatic?

Me: Fine, Ava ( steverandlehasmyhart  ) Requested two random dares from Steve!

Steve: I know she loves me and all, but can someone else please have a turn? I'm sick of all this!

Me: Too bad! Let me think of the first dare...ah yes. I dare you to kiss one of the gang members.

Steve: WHAT!?

Me: Well, you said you wanted someone else to have a turn....*winks*

Steve: FINE! *Turns around to face the gang* Darry, no....Pony, NO...Dally, DEFINENTLY NOT...Johnny,

Me: You are going to have to pick someone!


Me: Aight...well for once I don't follow the fandom. I don't ship any of these boys with each other. I support gay people, but I personally don't think any of these boys are gay.

Johnny: THANK YOU! Everyone Ships Johnnyboy and it's getting out of hand, man. I read a smut that one of you guys wrote here on wattpad, and let me tell you, it was gross.

Pony: You read one of those? *eying Johnny*

Johnny: Well, yeah, because I was curious...

Me: Weeeee don't need to talk about that anymore. Steve, go ahead.

Steve: *looks at Soda* Sorry, buddy it's for Ava. *puckers up lips*

Soda: Oh golly...*shuts eyes and waits for Steve's lips to interlock with his*


Me: Oh my god- why did I ever request this...

Steve: *kisses Soda for half a second, then turns away* GROSS! EW!

Soda: His breath stinked. Really, really bad.

Pony: *chuckles* Pff

Me: Now, for your second Dare...

Steve: Aw, Man...

Me: I'm allowing my bby, Pony, to pick it.

Pony: Well, uh, thanks I guess? *steps forward* Steve...

Steve: *looking nervous* Yes?

Pony: I dare you to...

Steve: *holding his breath*

Pony: Take care of the Guinea pigs for 5 minutes!

Steve: PFFF! Those cute things? Trust me, I got this.

Pony: *rolls eyes* Yeah, right.

Me: *looking at Pony* Really?

Pony: *taken aback* They are hard to take care of! Just watch him...

*The whole gang gathers around the Guinea pig cage*

Johnny: *whispering* this is gonna be good, man.

Pony: I know!

Me: SHHH guys, watch!

Steve: Aw, hey little guy...*Picks up a small Guinea pig*

Guinea pig: *Bites him*

Steve: OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! *tosses the Guinea pig across the room so it hits the wall*

Pony: *smirking*



Steve: IT'S BLEEDING! *shaking his hand everywhere*

*blood splatters across all of our faces*

Darry: Great. *licks his own finger and starts to rub off the blood on Pony's face*

Pony: Darryyyyyyy!

Darry: Stay still...*cleaning Pony's face*

Pony: *mortified*

Steve: OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! *rolling on the ground in pain*

Me: Okay, that's all for this time! Check back soon for more Truth and Dares coming your way!

(Camera fades away, at the end you can still hear Steve screaming and crying)

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