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Me: Alright, Two,   is back for more dares!

Two: Aw, man, this is how she repays me! After everything I've done for her!

Me: And what was that, exactly?

Two: I don't know, be her friend?

Me: You know, if we were not being recorded right now, I would hit you.

Two: Come on then, hit me! I'm right here.

Me: Fine then. *Hits him really hard*

Two: Ow! Man I think I have a mark...*looking at his arm where I hit him*

Me: Ready to start?

Two: *sigh* yes.

Me: Alright, First Jay would like you to eat a whole plate of vegetables for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner...

Two: *sputters* But ...I can't. How dare she. That's...

Me: You up for the challenge?

Two: Fine! I'll do it!

Me: Challenge starts now! We will check back in tomorrow with Two to see what he has accomplished. *takes Two's Beer*

Two: Aw man.

Tuesday, January 26

Me: Let's see how Two-bit did!

Two: *walking in* I have done it! I have ate nothing but veggies! *smiling*

Me: Can you explain that in bigger detail, please?

Two-bit: Yesterday for breakfast I had peppers, tomatoes, and celery. For lunch I had a garden salad. And For Dinner I had Peas and Broccoli.

Me: *surprised* You actually completed the challenge? I knew you could do it!

Two: I did it for Jay, I want to show that I can do anything she tosses at me.

Jay From Descendants: What did you just say? *walking in*

Me: Not you! He's talking to !

Jay: Oh... *walks out, frowning*

Me: Sorry, that's some of our other friends we live with...the thing is we have a lot more where that came from...

Two: Yeah! I even got to meet Mickey Mouse!

Me: *laughs* Two-bit!

Two: But I did! And You all can too! I'm sure Bella would be glad to open another~

Me: And who are you to be making promises now, HM?

Two: *frowns* But Bella, it would be so fun! You could interview all of us about our movies and we could argue and try to prove what movie was better!

Me: That's not a bad idea, actually-

Two: So, can we do it?

Me: What if I put you Vs. Mickey Mouse.

Two: What! No! I would never get enough votes from our team...

Me: Wait a second, dang it Two-bit, now I have yet another story idea! Well, hear that team? *looks at camera* Be Ready for some upcoming interviews where you will get to vote who you want to keep in the competition or kick out. Coming soon!

Two: I had the idea!

Me: Yeah, he really did. Stay Gold, everyone! Thanks for reading! We will be back with more truth or dares soon! *looks on list* We will be right back after a commercial break.

The Outsiders- Truth Or DareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora