Chpt. 15

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(Lily's p.o.v.)

I woke up realizing I have to go to work. I love being at work, but I'd much rather spend the day with CC laying in bed. I got up trying not to wake up CC because it was 6am. I failed at that. "Good morning beautiful." CC said without opening his eyes. "Good morning." I responded. "Why are you up do early?" "I have to go to work." "Mmkay, I'm going back to sleep." "Okay."

I got ready for work then left. As I got in my car I thought I saw Jay is the back seat, weird, I just ignored it. I got to work said hi to Liz got some coffe and worked on a tattoo design for my first customer. Throughout the day I kept seeing Jay, at one point I thought I heard his voice. It was 11 at night I just finished tattooing my last customer. I gathered my things and went to my car. Then again I saw Jay. Then I remembered what today was. He died four years ago. I didn't cry I just stared blankly into space. I looked over, and I saw him looking at me. "J-Jay?" I stuttered. Then he disappeared. I got home and went straight to my room closed the door and locked it. I went grabbed the box with the notes and pictures. I reread the note Jay wrote for me the night he died. I realized something in the envelope I never noticed before. It was a little note that read, 'forever and always. Don't forget me, but this is giving you the chance to find someone better.' I started to cry. I felt an arm around me and I looked it was CC he must have managed to unlock the door.
"It's okay, it's going to be just fine."he said softly.
"CC, I've been seeing him all day, and u heard his voice."
"Lily, look at me, I believe you, okay? Because I'm pretty sure I saw him to, but like right now."
I looked behind behind me and he was there. i started to get dizzy and my vision started to blur then everything turned black. I heard CC yell. I couldn't move. I could hear so I can't be dead. But then I could see, but the first thing I noticed was my lifeless body being put in the back of an ambulance. I followed calmly.

"It's wired isn't it? Seeing your dead body, people trying to make you come back to life." Jay said.
"I'm dead?" I said scared, "I can't be dead, I have kids, I'm supposed to get married."
"Don't worry you can still go back, I just wanted to talk to you.." He trailed off.
"You did this to me?" "Well yeah, I just, wanted to say, I'm happy for you. You are still very beautiful, you have to adorable kids, good friends, and you have CC, who has given you more then I ever could." He said.
"Jay, when will I be able to actually be alive again?" I asked worried.
"As soon as you want, but once you go back, you won't remember this, you may not see me again either."
"O-okay," I said, "I need to go back to my family, I will never forget you, and I will see you again one day." I said.
"Okay," he said quietly, "I love you."
He simply kissed my cheek and I touched him one last time.
I woke up and opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was CC. "Lily, your awake!" He said.
"Who are you?" I asked. I wanna mess with him.
"Y-you don't remember me?" He said.
"CC, how could I forget my wonderful fiancé and two kids?" I asked.
"I love you Lily." He said. "I love you too." I said kissing him.
"You scared me so much."
"Well don't worry, I'm here now, how long was I gone?" I asked.
"About two weeks." He said.
Two weeks! It felt like two minutes I thought to myself. "Oh"
"I'll get a nurse."

A little bit later CC came back with the doctor I got to go home I just had to stay in bed for three days which sucks because I won't be able to take care of my kids.

[next day]

I woke up because Amanda started to cry. I was about to get her then CC stopped me. "Nope doctor said you stay in bed and relax."
"But I want to take care of them."
"I'll bring them in here, I'll go make a bottle and change them, and you can feed them, but you stay in bed."
"Fineeee." I whined.

CC came in with the kids and I fed them.

"Mama" Lucas said.
"Yes it mommy." I said
"First words!" CC said.
"Yeah," I replied, "he obviously loves me more because he said mama first."

There was a knock on the door.
"CC go answer the door." He went and answerd it and then I hear multiple voices. And all the sudden, there Emmy, Liz, Jenna, Sammi, Jinxx, Andy, Lisa, Jake, And Ashley all in my room.
"You don't need to yell but what?" I asked.
"We are starting a U.S. Tour next week. October to December. With Set it Off, Falling in Reverse, and Drama Club."
"Okay." I said.
"Oh yeah, your coming with, the kids are too." CC said.
"Oh okay."
Everyone stayed for the day sitting in our room we orders Chinese and watched movies. I couldn't wait for your, I haven't been able to tour with the band yet so it should be fun.

(Chapter 15 done, yeah it's kinda short I know. But vote, comment and share.)

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