Chpt. 2

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(Lily a p.o.v)

The day after graduation I hung out with Lisa and the band m. It was fun. We were just hanging out and we decided to go out to eat. We went to this restaurant called fanatics.

Cc threw a pickle at Andy, then Andy threw something at me so I threw turned into a huge food fight. "You guys need to leave." Some guy who I'm guessing was the manger. "And why, it's a public place for us to eat." Jake said. "You guys are throwing food and causing a mess leave now or I'll call the police." "Okay we will be leaving." Lisa said. I paid for our food then we left.

"So are we aloud back there?" CC asked.

"Umm, I don't think so, CC." I answered.

Everyone just groaned. CC and I just laughed. We ended up going to the park. We played on the slides and and the swings.

"I WANT STARBUCKS!!!" I yelled.
"LETS GO!!!" CC yelled while running towards me and picked me up and ran across the street to Starbucks.

"So, Lily, I, umm, I was wondering.." He said stoping. "Wonder what?" "I was wondering is you would like to go on a date with me." he said kinda nervous. "Okay when and where?" I asked. "Tomorrow at 8 and that's a surprise." He said very happy. "Okay, you aren't going to like kidnap me are you." "Well of course I am." He said sarcastically. "Okay." I said laughing. We finished our Starbucks and went back to the park.
"We were you guys?" Jinxx asked.
"We went to Starbucks." Cc and I said at the same time.
"ANDY YOU DIDNT BRING US ANY!!!" They all yelled.
"Go get you own damn Starbucks." I said.

They all got Starbucks and then we went to my place. "Mom I'm home and Lisa and the guys are here with me." I said walking in. "Okay, are you guys going to stay for dinner?" She asked. "If that's okay with you." Ashley said. "I would be delighted to have you guys stay, I'm making mashed potatoes and meatballs." "MY FAVORITE!!!" I yelled while running upstairs, with everyone following. "God you run fast." Jinxx said trying to catch his breath. "No I don't you just run slow." I said. "Whatever." He said falling back in my bed.

I looked over and saw CC going through a box of my stuff...the box with the pictures of Jay and I and the note...oh shit. "CC that's private don't go through that." I said a little angry. "Sorry, but who is this guy in the pictures?" "His name is Jay he was my boyfriend freshman year..." I said trailing off. My eyes started to water and Andy and Lisa have me a hug. Ashley, CC, Jake, and Jinxx don't really know about Jay. "And so why do you have a box of pictures of him?" CC asked. "Well he um...he committed suicide that it's just for memories." I said crying a little. CC came and gave me a hug. "I'm so sorry to hear that." He said. "It's okay." I said.

We ate then we watched movies. Everyone went home at about 10. And then I decided to shower and get ready for bed.

(2nd chapter done. How did you like it? Vote, comment, and share)

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