Chpt. 3

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(CC p.o.v.)

It Thursday, 5pm, I'm getting everything ready for my date with Lily tonight. I can't believe she said yes. I went the flower shop and hit her a single dark red rose, because that's her favorite flower and color. I got her a box of dark chocolates too. I got back to my place at about 6pm and got ready. I texted Lily.

CC~ wear something nice.
Lily~ does that mean I have to wear a dress?
CC~ no
Lily~ okay see you at 8

I finished getting ready and called the restaurant to make sure I still had the reservations. Which luckily I did. By now it was 7:30 so I grabbed the rose and chocolates and went to get Lily.

(Lilys p.o.v.)

I was just about to go outside when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was CC. "Wow you look beautiful." cc said. "Here these are for you." He said while handing me a single rose and chocolates. "Why thanks you and you don't look to bad yourself." I said. "Well let's go." "Where are we going?" "Didn't I already tell you that's a suprise." "Yeah, but I wanna know." "To bad you'll find out when we get there." "Fine." I said turning to look out the window.

(CC p.o.v.)

Wow, Lily looked so beautiful tonight I couldn't believe it.

We pulled up to the restaurant. "We're here." I said while tapping her shoulder. She looked up, "but this place it expensive." "I don't care, I can afford it." I said. We went inside. We got brought to our table. I couldn't stop staring at her. "Why do you keep staring at me?" She said snapping me out of my thoughts. "You just so beautiful it's hard not to." I said kinda blushing. "Okay." We ordered our food and talked for awhile. Then ate.

We went back to my car and drove off. "So now where are we going?" She asked, she just wants to know everything. "Since you so impatient I'll tell you, we are just going to go on a walk by the river since we can't go to a beach being there isn't one in Arizona." I said. "Sound nice." She said with the biggest smile. "Yes it does." We got to the river and walk for a little bit. "So you know the guys and I are moving to L.A. right?" I asked. "Yeah...and Lisa is too." She said a little sad. "What your bit coming?" I asked. "I don't have the money, Lisa is living with Andy." "Lily we are all moving into the same house." "Oh, well I will miss you guys." She said Looking down. "No you won't, your coming with us. There are 7 rooms in that house there is room. And you can get a job." "Okay, when are you guys leaving?" She asked smiling now. "Next week." "Okay!" We went back to the car and I brought her home. "Text me when you get him." She said. "Okay I will." Then I drove off. I'm thinking of asking her out, but I want to wait till we move to L.A. so I can give it time.

I got home and went to my room and texted Lily.

CC~ hey I made it home.
Lily~ okay, I'll text you tomorrow, I'm going to start packing a little and go to sleep.
CC~ okay goodnight.
Lily~ goodnight.

After I talked to Lily I went to sleep.

(Lilys p.o.v.)

I went downstairs to my mom and dad, my dad got out of jail and said sorry for everything, my mom and I forgave him, I still don't completely forgive him though. "Mom, dad, next week, I'm moving to L.A. with the Lisa, CC, Andy, jake, Ash, and Jinxx." I said.

"Okay, but promise you will visit." My dad said.

"I'm so proud of you honey." My mom said.

"Of course I'll come back and visit. And thanks mom." I said. "I'm going to get some sleep, goodnight."

"Goodnight" my mom and dad said at the same time.

I went to my room and went to sleep.

(3rd chapter done. Hope you liked it, the picture is CC, I'll get pictures of the rest of the guys, and also what I want Lisa to look like. Vote, comment, and share!)

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