Chpt. 12

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*two month later*

(Lily's p.o.v.)
I got up and went and got a cup of coffee, I'm still working, I'm going to work till I'm about 8 months along, or I'll try. Today after work I am going to my appointment and CC and I are going to find out the gender of the baby. I got ready for work then left.

"Hey Liz!" I said walking into the shop. "Hi," she said sounding sad. "What's wrong?" "Emmy and I got in a fight this morning, it should be fine by later today." "Are you sure?" "Yeah."
I went to my little area and waited for my first appointment. It was Andy and Lisa. I didn't know that. "Okay what do you guys want?" I asked. "We want to get matching tattoos." Lisa said. "Um okay, what do you want it to be?" I asked. "We each want to get a dark red heart with each others name in it." Andy said . "Okay, I'll got draw a design then show you, you can go sit over there." "Okay." I went a drew the tattoos, then showed them then we got started.

I only worked till two, so I only had about three other people come in. On the way home I got Starbucks.
"I'm home!" I yelled. "Lily!!!" CC came and threw me over his shoulder, making me spill my coffee on him. "Guess who get to buy me another frap." I said. "THATS COLD!" He yelled. "Well that's your fault." I said while he put me down. "Okay well after your appointment I'll buy you one. I'm going to change then we can go." He said. "Okay."

I threw away the cup then waited for CC in the car. He came out after a couple minutes then we left. We got to the clinic. "Hi I'm here for my appointment," I said to the lady. "Okay, and are you Lily?" She asked. "Yes, I am." "Okay go sit down. And wait for you to be called in." "Okay." I said sitting down.

"Lily," the nurse called, "come this way."
I got up and went tithe room and layed down.
"Hi, how are you guys doing today?" She asked us.
"Good," both CC and I said.
"Do you want to know the gender?" She asked. "Yes, we would." I answered.
She put the gel on my stomach and moved around the wand thing. "Oh look, you having a boy." She said.
"YES!" CC said excitedly.
"And I girl," she continued. "Say what now?" I said, "I thought I was only having one."
"Well, he nurse must not have told you right, because you're having twins."
"Well that's, amazing." CC said.
"Yeah, and surprising."
"Well we are done here," she said. I cleaned off my southern we left.

I texted Lisa, Liz, Sammi, and Emmy.

Lily- I figured I out the gender!!
Lisa- BOY OR GIRL!?!?
Sammi- finally now stop making us wait.
Lily- boy and girl, I'm having twins!!
Lisa- wait what!?
Sammi- huh?
Emmy- but what?
Liz- umm?
Lily- come over tonight at 6, we can have a girls night.

Then I put my phone in my pocket as we got to Starbucks.
"I wa-" I said before CC cut me off.
"I know what you want." He said "okay."
We got our drinks and went home.

(12th chapter done. Hope you like it. I know it took forever, I got my iPad taking away for a week 😒. But I'll try and update again soon! Comment, like, and share!)

It Get Better (sequel to finding him)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang