Chpt. 7

19 1 0

(CCs p.o.v.)

Yesterday all Lily did was sit in her room. Until she yelled for me. I'm not sure what she was talking about but it's fine.

I went into her room to see if she was up. "Lily?" I asked. "Hm?" "Just wanted to see if you were up." "Yeah I am just don't feel like doing anything at the moment." She said. "Okay, how about I lay with you?" "That would be nice." "Okay." I said while laying down.

(Jakes p.o.v.)

"Where are the lovebirds?" I asked to no one in general. "Andy and Lisa it CC and Lily?" Ashley asked. "Lily and CC." "I believe there in Lilys room." Jinxx said. "Okay." I said getting up. "where are you going?" Ash asked. "Nowhere." I said walking away I went downstairs and opened Lilys door quietly. They were cuddled up to each other sleeping. I decided to take a picture, but forgot to turn off the flash. "What are you doing?" They both asked. "Well you two look so cute together I had to take a picture. "Whatever. What time is it?" Lily asked. "Umm 10." "Okay I'm getting up. CC you coming?" Lily asked CC. "Nope I'm staying here." He responded. "Fine. Jake want to come with me to get Starbucks? Once I get ready." She asked me. "Sure." "IM COMING!!!" CC yelled. "Okay no need to yell." I said walking out of the room.

(Lilys p.o.v.)

I got up and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a shirt I stole from CC. Then I went and got ready. I put on my vans and CC, jake, and I went to Starbucks. I got a hazelnut frappé like always, Jake and CC got the same. We went and sat down and drank our coffee.

"So you finally going to be 19 tomorrow, what do you want to do for your birthday?" Jake asked. (A/N Lily is the youngest of all of them.) "I don't know." I answered. "Well I will plan something then." CC said. "Oh will you now?" "Well not now but later." "I'll help." Jake said. "Okay I'll need it." CC said. We went back to the house. I went into my room and drew some designs for tattoos. I want to be a tattoo artist, I'm going to look for job.

I grabbed all my drawing and put them in a folder. I and left to my interview. "I'll be back, I have a job interview." I said before leaving. I got into my car and left to the tattoo shop. It took me about 20 minutes to get there. I walked inside and holy shit this place was cool. I went up to the front desk there was a girl with black hair and her left arm was cover in tattoos. "Hi, I'm here for an interview with Jase." I said. "Okay, are you Lily?" She asked. "Yes I am." I responded. "Okay, just sit right there and you can go in in just a minute." "Okay." I said while sitting down I waited about 5 minutes. "Okay you can go in his office is right through there." She said pointing to where I need to go. "Thank you." I said. I walked into his office. "You must be Lily." Jase said. "Yes I am, and you must be Jase." I said. "Take a seat and let's get started." "Okay." I said sitting down."Well, did you bring any designs?" He asked. "Yes I did." I said while opening the folder. He looked at the drawings for awhile. "These are pretty cool." "Thanks." He asked me a few questions then I left. I went back home.

"How did you interview go?" Lisa asked. "Pretty well I think." I said. "That's good if you get the job, your giving me my first tattoo." She said. "Okay." I said laughing. "Dude I'm serious." "Okay."

We all hung out and played truth or dare. "I'm hungry." CC said. "When aren't you?" I asked. "I don't know. But we should get Chinese." "Sounds good, I'll call and order." Andy said. He went and ordered the food. About 30 minutes later the food came. And we ate, and of course there was no food left. We played truth or dare and would you rather till about midnight and we watched a movie and all fell asleep.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Everyone yelled as soon as freezing water hit me. "THATS COLD!" I said and saw, of course CC holding a empty cup. "Well you wouldn't wake up and it's noon. "Okay." I said pulling CC onto the couch then kissed him. We stayed like that for awhile until Lisa jumped on my back. "Save it for tonight when you two are alone. In the mean time get ready we are spending the day on the beach. Oh and my friend Sammi is coming with." She said. "Okay." Everyone got ready then we went to the beach. Lisa stopped and picked up Sammi. We got to the beach and set everything up. Sammi and Jinxx talk a lot. Everyone was swimming and Lisa and I were talking. "I think Jinxx and Sammi like each other." Lisa said. "I do to." I said. We decided to go swimming too. we stayed at the beach till about 9. It was a fun birthday. We all went home and showered. After I got dressed and everything CC came in. He grabbed me and started kissing me and pushed me on the can guess what happened next.

(7th chapter done. Like, comment, and share!)

It Get Better (sequel to finding him)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora