Chpt. 6

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(Lilly's p.o.v.)

It's been exactly 3 years since Jay died. On these days I sit in my room by myself with the door locked, and music blasting. I turn off my phone, and ignore everyone. I pulled out the box with all the memories of Jay. I also grabbed a pen and paper. Every year I write to him and put it the box. I wrote.

'Dear Jay,

I know you won't get this. There's really no way you can. But I miss you more then anything. I love you so much. Some days I still want it to be a dream. You've been gone for 3 years now. I miss you holding me in your arms.

Sometimes I do blame it on myself for you being gone. I mean if I would have been with you that night, you would probably still be here.

Well that's all I got to say.

Lily forever and always. ❤️'

I folded the letter and put it with the others. I took the pictures and looked at every single one then cried myself to sleep. Even though it was only 1pm.

(Jays p.o.v 'as a ghost')

I wish she didn't blame it on herself. I always watch over her. Even though I'm gone and she can't see me, I still feel like I need to protect her. I'm glad she found CC he's good for her. I sat and watched her sleep. She's so peaceful. I wish I could kiss her one last time. She opened her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes. "Jay?" She asked confused, I was confused as well. "Is that you?" "You can see me?" I asked. "B-but I thought you wer- " I cut her off. "Lily I am, I watch over you, I always have. Just you never saw me." "But." "I can leave now, that you can see me. and it's now your fault I'm gone. Have a good life, I will now be watching you from heaven."

(Lilly's p.o.v.)

I stood there in disbelief. I watched as he vanished. Was this a dream? "CC I yelled. He soon came to my door. I unlocked it. "Yes?" He asked. "This isn't a dream?" I asked. "Well no Lily." "So, what I hair saw was real." "What are you talking about?" He asked. "I saw Jay he talked to me then he vanished." "Umm, okay?" He asked confusion in his voice. "Never mind I'm going back to sleep." "okay."

(6th chapter done. Sorry it's short. I just don't know what else to put into this chapter. Like, comment, and share!)

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