Chpt. 13

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(CC's p.o.v.)

While Lily is at work today I'm going to go look at house we saw pictures of online. It has four rooms, and three bathrooms, and it's two stories so it's just right for us since Lily is having twins.

I check the time it was 11am. So I decided to get up and get ready since I had to go check out the house at 1. I finished getting ready and it was 11:30 so I went to watch tv. Jake was already watching something so I just sat on the couch with him.
"Hey, what are you doing today?" I asked.
"Uh nothing," Jake replied. "Wanna come look at a house with me?" "Uh sure what time?" "1 but I want to leave at noon so we can get some food." "Well of course food has to be involved CC, that's your favorite thing ever." "No Lily is, then food." "Whatever I'm going to get ready."

Jake and I got in my car and went and got Wendy's. Once we finished eating we went and looked at the house.
We got to be house and waited for the person showing us- well me- the house. She pulled into the driveway and so we got our of the car.
"Hi I'm Melissa." She said shaking Jake and mines hand. "And are you two together, or?"
"No, my girlfriend is at work so I asked if he could come with me." I said.
"Okay, well come this way." She said walking into the house. It was perfect.
"All the furniture in here will be yours if you do decide to buy the house."
"Okay." I said. It was really nice furniture. After we saw the whole thing I decided I wanted it, so I signed all the papers.

By the time I got home Lily was home to. She was sitting on the couch drawing. I went and sat on her.
"CC GET THE HELL OFF OF ME." she yelled pushing me onto the floor.
"You could have just asked,you did put need to push me." I said getting up and sorting next to her. "I love you."
"I love you too." She said kissing me cheek.

Jake, Lily, and I were watching tv when Andy came, well fell down the stairs.
"FUCK! THAT HURT!" He yelled.
"Then don't fall down the stairs." Lily said laughing. "Shut up." He replied.
"CC Andy told me to shut up." Lily whined.
"Well I guess you shouldn't make smart ass comments." I said.
"so where's Lisa?" Andy asked.
"She went to Liz and Emmy's. I think there planning the baby shower." Lily said rubbing her stomach. "Oh, are we getting the house?"
"Yeah I signed the papers we can move in tomorrow, are you working?"
"No, I have the weekend off." She said.
The rest of the day we hung out watched movies. Sammi came home with Jinxx, and Lisa. The three girls made dinner for us which was amazing.

[four months later]
(Lily's p.o.v.)

Today was the day of the baby shower, one month till I'm due. The Baby shower is at Liz and Emmy's house so I drove over there. The living room was decorated in pink and blue. There was a table with presents. I went into the kitchen and there was two cakes, one pink and one blue.
"LILY!!" A familiar voice said. It was my mom. I haven't seen her in forever.
"Hi mom," I said hugging her. "How long are you going to be here?"
"I'm staying till a week after you have the kids." She said.
We played some games ate and had cake. I was about to open presents when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "We need to go to the hospital now! Call CC!" I said.
"Okay I'm calling him." Lisa said taking me to the car.

(CC's p.o.v.)

I was sitting at home when I got a phone call from Lisa.
"you need to get to the hospital Lily is in labor." Lisa said.
"But she's not due for another month." I said.
"Yeah, well sometimes it doesn't work that way, now get your ass down here."
"Okay I'm leaving now." I said getting in my car.

I got to the hospital and went saw Lisa, Emmy, Liz, Sammi, and Lily's mom. "Hey, how's Lily?" I asked.
"She's okay, only family is allowed to go in, but that includes you so let's go." Lily's mom said. "Okay." I said following her.

"Hey Lily how are you doing" I asked standing by her.
"Best the very sharp pains every five minutes just fine." She said squeezing g my hand.
"Ouch I didn't realize you were that strong." I said.
"Shut up, I'm in more pain."

Three hours later Lily had the twins. We decided to name the girl Amanda Grace Coma and the boy Lucas Lee Coma. They were both very beautiful.

(Lily's p.o.v.)

"Can I hold them?" I asked the nurse.
"You can hold Lucas, but Amanda has to stay on a ventilator." She responded handing me Lucas.
"W-why?" I said starting to cry.
"Her lungs aren't fully developed yet." She said, "it's a low chance that she will live."
I started crying so did CC. The nurse took Lucas and brought him to the nursery.
"CC what if she doesn't make it?"
"She's going to she has to." He said.
I was able to go home the next day with Lucas. Amanda will be able to come home in a month.

CC put Lucas in his car seat and we went home. By the time we got home he was sleeping so I brought him up to his room.
"CC, what are we going to do if she doesn't make it?"
"Lily, she's going to make it." He said.
"You don't know that."
"Lily, she is, she has to strong parents she's going to make it."

*one month later*

Amanda did make it, we put Lucas in his car seat and went to get our little girl.

"Hi, I'm here to get Amanda Coma." I said to the lady behind the desk.
"Aw, yes, I'll get a nurse to get her for you." Said the lady behind the desk.
A few minutes a nurse came out with Amanda. This is the first time CC and I have seen her without the ventalater it's also the first time we are able to hold her.

"You are going to bring her in for monthly check ups for one year." The nurse said.
"Okay, we can do that." CC said.
We put the kids in their car seats and got Starbucks then went home.

(13th chapter done, like, comment, and share!)

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