Chpt. 16

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(CCs p.o.v.)

Today is the first day of the three month tour. Lily and I got to have the back of the bus with a or al sized bed. Everyone got their stuff organized on the bus then we were off to the first venue.

[one month later]

We have been on tour for a month. Lisa and Sammi are meeting us today and going to come with us for the rest of tour.
"CC, come here." Jinxx said.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Do you think it would be a good idea for me to purpose to Sammi on stage?" He asked.
"DO IT!" I yelled.
"Do what?" Andy asked.
"I want to purpose to Sammi on stage tonight," Jinxx said.
"Dude totally do it." Andy said.
"Hey Andy, you and Lisa have been together since high school, and you haven't engaged yet, why not?" I asked.
"I just, don't think it's the right time." He said rubbing his neck.
"When is the right time then, you guys have been together forever."
"Never is the right time.." He said trailing off.
"What happened?" I asked.
"It doesn't fucking matter okay just leave me alone!" Andy yelled storming out of the bus.

(Andy's p.o.v.)

I feel bad for freaking out on CC like that I just can take it anymore. I have tried purposing to Lisa once before and she said no, that was last year. I don't even know if me and her should be together anymore.

"ANDY!!" I heard Lisa yelled, I didn't know she would be her this soon.
"Lisa," I said not as excited.
"What's wrong babe?" She asked. "It nothing don't worry about it." I said then kissed her, "let's go inside."
I took her bags and went into the bus.

(Jinxx's p.o.v. [later that night at the concert])

We were about halfway through the show, after this song I was going to purpose to Sammi.

"Okay, Jinxx has something to say, Sammi, can you come out here." Andy Said.
He handed me the microphone. "Sammi, you are the most beautiful and amazing girl I have ever met," I got down one knee and pulled out the ring, "will you marry me?"
Mother whole crowd started chanting 'say yes'.
"Yes, of course!" She said.
I got up put the ring on her then kissed her. The whole crowd cheered.

That night we stayed in a hotel. Sammi and I in one room. Andy and Lisa in another, CC and Lily together, and Jake and Ashley in one room, and most likely some girl Ash picked up.

(Chapter 16. Yeah I know it's short and boring. I can't really think of any ideas. But anyway like, comment, and share. Goodbye.)

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