Chpt. 10

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(Jinxx's p.o.v.)

I'm planning on take Sammi out on a date tonight, we have been texting a lot, and I really like her. I'm going to take her to the beach, around sunset, and we are going to have a picnic, and romantic walk. I will be picking her up at 6 it's currently 3, three more hours. I already have everything ready so I decided to go hang with Jake.
"Hey Jake, what's up." I said.
"You know sitting here watching stupid TV shows, you?"
"Trying to make time go by faster." I said chuckling.
"Why that?" He asked.
"I'm taking Sammi for a date tonight." I said, blushing.
"I KNEW YOU LIKED HER, well everyone did, but still." He said excitedly.
"Yeah, I'm going to ask her out." I said sitting down by Jake.
"Well she better say yes, your to good to turn down." He said laughing, I laughed to. Jake and I watched Tv for a little while.

"I get the TV, my show is on." Lisa said, with Andy following her, like usual.
"But we are watching this." I exclaimed.
"To bad." She said.
"Babe we can just watch it in the other living room Downstairs." Andy did.
"Ugh, fine." She said.

They went to the other living room and watched there show.

"Some days I swear she acts like she owns us." Jake said.
"Yeah, but it's been like that since high school." I said.
"True." he said.
I look at the time it was 5:30. "Shit, I got to go get Sammi, I'll be back later tonight." I said getting my shoes on. .

"Okay , have fun, but not to much fun," he said, "and I hope she says yes."
"Don't worry I won't and me too." I said going outside.
When I got to Sammi's she was sitting on her front steps smoking. I got out of the car and walked up to her.
"You look beautiful today," I said.
"Thanks," she replied smiling.
"Your very welcome," I said, "are you ready to go?"
"Yep." She said getting up.
We walked to the car and I opened and closed the door for her then got into the car myself. I drove us to the beach, it was quite for the most part, but it wasn't always it seemed right. We got to the beach and I grabbed everything and set it up. We sat down, the sun was just starting to set.
"Sunsets are so beautiful aren't they?" Sammi said.
"Yeah they are, but you more beautiful."
"Aw thanks." She said blushing.
"Do you want to go on a walk?" I asked
"Of course."
We walk along the water. We stopped for a minute. I turned to her and grabbed her hands. "Sammi, since the day we met, I knew I liked you, and wanted to be with you, so will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.
"Jinxx, of course, I new from the first day we started to hang out, that it was meant to be." She said.
We stared into each others eyes and then I leaned in and kissed her, perfect soft lips. It seemed so right. I felt as if we were the only two people on earth. After what seemed like forever- in a good way- she pulled away. She smiled her beautiful smile.
"Your smile is perfect." I said.
"Thanks," she replied smiling again.
We stayed at the beach for awhile. The I took her home.
"Do you want to stay over tonight?" She asked shyly.
"I would love to." I replied while turning off the car.
We got out and went inside she showed me where everything was then we went in her room.
"I'll be right back I'm going. To change." She said.
"Okay." I replied.
She came back in a few minelayer and layed down. I layed with her and held her in my arms.
"This is so perfect," she said kissing my cheek.
"Definitely." I replied.
We fell asleep within minutes.

(Lilys p.o.v.)
I woke up in the middle of the night and threw up. I've been doing this a lot lately, but otherwise feel fine. I think I might be pregnant. I went into my bathroom and went under the sink. For some reason I kept a pregnancy test in my bathroom, finally it came in handy. I did what I had to do, then set my timer. When the timer went off I looked at the test. It was positive. Shit. I'm only 19 I can't have baby. I broke down crying, what a, I going to tell CC. He walked into the bathroom.
"Baby, why are you crying." He asked pulling ,e onto his lap.
"CC, I'm p-pregnant," I said.
"W-what, I'm going to be a dad," he replied shocked, "I'm actually going to be a dad."
"You aren't mad?" I asked.
"No I'm not mad, the girl I love is Varro y first child." He said smiling.
"Tomorrow, let's go to the doctors to make sure." I said.
"Okay." He said.
He picked me up and Layed ,e in my bed he layed with me and we fell asleep.

(Chapter 10 done. What do you guys think? Like, comment, ams share!)

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