Chpt. 14

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(Lily's p.o.v.)

CC was at band practice and it was time for Amanda's monthly doctor appointment. I put Lucas and Amanda in their car seats. I was taking Lucas to Sammi and Jinxx's place. I got both kids out of their car seats and went and knocked on the door. "Hey Lily, let me take Lucas for you." Sammi said. "Come in for a minute." "Okay." I said. "Here's the diaper bag he just ate before we left so he should be good for awhile." "Okay, sounds good. I hope Amanda is okay." "Me too, I'll see you after her appointment. Maybe I'll stay a little I longer." "Okay see you."

I took Amanda to her appointment. She had to get a cat scan. I waited in a room with Amanda to find out what they saw. "Lily, I have good and bad news, which do you want to hear first?" The doctor asked. Great bad news, "good news." "Okay her lungs are in very good condition no problem there." "That's good, so what's the bad news?" I asked. "She has a brain tumor." "Can it be removed?" I asked. "It's to dangerous to perform surgery on her." He continued, "she will have to go through chemotherapy." At this point I was crying. "O-okay." "Well that all, come in next week for her appointment." I got up and walked out. I went and picked up Lucas and told Sammi and Jinxx what was going on. Then went home.

"Let me see my little girl." CC said. "How was her appointment?" "Um she has a brain tumor." I said, "she has to go through Chemotherapy once every two weeks." "Poor baby girl. I really wish this didn't have to happen, she's just a baby." He said. "Yeah well, that's life. But everything with her lungs is just fine." "That's good. Here give me Lucas, I'll put them down for their naps and we can make dinner." "Okay," I said handing him Lucas.

(CC's p.o.v. [two months later])

Amanda is perfectly fine now her tumor is gone, her lungs are good, she's finally healthy.

I have been wanting to propose to Lily since I found out she was pregnant. I decided I would this Friday night. I texted andy to see if he could help me pick out a ring.

Cc~ hey you busy today
Andy~ no why
Cc~ wanna help me pick out a ring for Lily
Andy~ you porpoising!?
Cc~ yeah
Andy~ good luck and yeah I'll meet you there
Cc~ okay

I got ready and met Andy at the ring place in the mall. As I was looking one fought my eye. It was a black band and with whit diamonds around a dark blue one. "Andy, come here." I said. "Do you think she will like this one. "Yeah, it's perfect for her." I payed for it and then Andy and I walked around for awhile. "So when are you going to porpoise?" Andy asked. "This Friday, I'm going to take her out and take her to the beach and do it there since that's where I asked her out." "That there is a good idea. She better say yes." I chuckled "if she says no I don't know what will happen." "Dude, she's going to say yes" "okay." We both went home. On the way home I decided to get Lily something from Starbucks.

"I'm home." I yelled walking in the living room.
"Shhhhh, I just got Lucas to sleep." She said, "and is that Starbucks?"
"Yes, it's for you." I said handing it to her. "I'll be right back." I went up stairs and put the ring in the drawer next to my side of the bed.
"Liz and Emmy wants us to come over for dinner, they want us to meet someone, everyone is coming." Lily said as I sat down by her.
"Okay, what time?" I asked.
"Liz said about 6." "Okay sounds good."
We watched tv until the kids woke up. We fed them and changed them. Then we left to Liz and Emmy's place.

(Emmy's p.o.v.)

About a week ago Liz and I adopted a 5 year old little girl named Jenna. We haven't told anyone, but tonight we decided we are.

I was making dinner and Liz is going to play with Jenna. Everyone was here by 6.

"Where's Liz?" Jake asked. "Upstairs, I'll go get her."
I went up stair to Jenna's room where Liz and Jenna. "Liz, Jenna are ready to go downstairs."
"Yeah, come on Jenna lets go." Liz said.
"Okay mommy."
We went downstairs. "We have someone we want you all to meet." I said getting everyone's attention. "This is Jenna, Liz and I adopted her." I said excitedly. Jenna awkwardly waved and hid behind me.

"Jenna this is CC, Lily, Andy, Lisa, Sammi, Jinxx, Ashley, and Jake," Liz said to Jenna.
"Are they my aunts and uncles?" Jenna asked.
"Well kinda I guess, they're are friends." I said.

(Jenna's p.o.v.)

Today I got to meet my mommys' friends. I call them my aunts and uncles though. I really like CC he's funny. Sammi is really nice she said she's going to take me shopping. CC and Lily's babies Amanda and Lucas are really cute I got to hold them. Today was fun meeting everyone.

(Lily's p.o.v. [friday])
I woke up to the kids crying. I went into the kitchen and made them each a bottle. I woke up CC and told him to feed one of them.

"So Lily, Andy, Lisa, Jake, and Ashley are going to watch the kids tonight and me and you are going to on a date tonight." CC said.
"Um okay." I said.
We didn't really do much during the day. I took a shower and CC told me to wear something nice so wore leggings and a nicer shirt. I curled my hair and put on my make up. After I got ready CC and I dropped the kids off.
We pulled up to a really fancy restaurant. "Isn't this place like really expensive?" I asked.
"Yeah, but it's worth spending it on you." He responded. "Okay."
We went inside and the waiter brought us to our table. We ordered our drinks and looked at the menu. We ordered and we were eating.
"So Lily I've been meaning to ask you something." CC said.
"And what's that?" I asked.
CC then got up from his seat and knelt down in one knee. "Lily Prescott, make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
I couldn't believe it. "Yes a thousand times yes." I said and everyone at the restaurant started clapping. CC put the ring on my finger and then kissed me. "It's beautiful." I said admiring the ring. "For my beautiful fiancé." He said smiling. We finished eating we went home. On the way home I texted Lisa.
Lily~ could the kids stay there tonight?
Lisa~ yeah they are already sleeping plus you and CC deserve a break
Lily~ thanks
Lisa~ no problem

CC and I got home and changed into pajamas. The rest of the night we laid in bed watched movies and talked about life.

(Chapter 14 done. Okay I know the part with Jenna's p.o.v. is kinda stupid I just wanted to out that in there. Also I chose Jenna for the name of the girl because my best friends name is Jenna. So like comment and share!)

It Get Better (sequel to finding him)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu