Chpt. 17

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(Lily's p.o.v. [one month later])

Yesterday was the last day of tour. I can finally sleep in my own bed tonight. We got all our stuff together and went home. CC and I fed the kids and put them down for a nap.

"I'm thinking today sounds like a lazy day." I said.
"I was thinking the same thing." I said.
"Movie?" CC asked.
"Yeah, what movie?" I asked.
"FROZEN!!" He said excitedly.
"I hate that movie," I said.
"I know, but I like it, so pwease?" He said giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Fine," I groaned.
I put the movie in and sat down. About 20 minutes into the mood got a call.
"I'm going to answer this p, be right back." I said. "Okay, hurry." CC said. "I'll try."
I went into the kitchen and answered it, it was Jase. "I need you to come down to the shop, now." He said sternly. "Uh, I wasn-" he cut me off. "Lily, get your ass down here now." "Okay, okay, I'm coming." I hung up.
"CC, I have to go to the tattoo shop I'll be back soon." I said.
"Hurry back, I'll pause the movie and wait." He said "Uh you don't have to." "To bad I'm going to." "Okay."
I went into the shop, "hey, Liz, is Jase on his office?" I asked. "Yeah," she said.
I knocked on the door. "So why am I here on a Saturday?" I asked.
"I need to talk to you about something." He said, "sit."
I sat down, "so what do you want to talk abou?"
"I have to sell the shop, I was wondering if you would like it," he said.
"Uh, how much time do I have to think about this?" I asked.
"Till next week, I need to know exactly a week from now, if not earlier."
"Okay, I will think about it and let you know." I said.
"Okay, you can go home now." He said, "have a good day."
"You too." I said then left.

"I'm back," I said sitting on the couch. "Take Lucas, please." CC said him to me and sitting down. "Crabby baby." I said. "Yeah, I think he might be teething." He said and handing me the teething ring. I gave it too Lucas and he instantly stopped crying. CC was feeding Amanda and he played the movie.
Once the movie was over CC asked, "So do you still hate it?" "I hate even more," I said smiling. "how cana you hate frozen?" "It's for children," I said. "I'm not a child and I love it." He said. "CC, you are a child in a grown mans body." "I know," he said.

"So I have a chance to buy the tattoo shop." I said. "Really?" CC asked. "Yeah, I think I'm going too." "Do it, I'll help." "Okay, I'll tell Jase tomorrow."

(1 week later)

I was laying down relaxing, CC took the kids on a walk. I got a text from Lisa.
Lisa~ dress shopping today?
Lily~ yeah I'll get ready text the other girls please to meet us there
Lisa~ okay I will
I got up and put on actual cloths. Then went to meet the girls at the dress place.
"Hi, I'm here to get a wedding dress." I said.
"Okay, I'll get someone to help you." The lady said, "you can sit there."
A few minutes later a lady came out, "Hi, my name is Tori, I'll be helping you, what colors would you like?" She asked.
"I want my dress to be dark purple." I said.
"Okay I'll get a few and see if you like them." She said.
I tried on ten dresses till I found the perfect one. It had white jewels going down the top, the bottom was almost like a ballgown dress.
"Oh my god you look beautiful." Lisa said.
"It gorgeous," Liz and Emmy said.
"Are you getting that one? It's perfect for you." Sammi said.
"I'm getting this one," I said.
I paid for my dress then we all went to go eat.
"When we are done eating we are going to another dress shop and getting the bridesmaids dresses." I said.
"Okay," all the girls agreed.
We finished eating then we went to the dress shop. The girls tried on a lot of dresses until we found one that looked good on all of them. It was white and went into black on the bottem. And went down to the knees.
"Getting these one!" I said.
We paid for the dresses then all went home.

"I'm home!" I yelled walking in.
"Where were you?" CC asked. "Buying dresses for the wedding." I responded. "Can't wait to see yours." "Three months to go." "Can we just get married now, I want to be able to call you my wife." "I know, my mom and dad are coming next week, there going to be here for two weeks," I said. "Okay, are they staying here? Or a hotel?" CC asked. "Here," I said. "Okay."
(CC's p.o.v.)
I'm glad Lily's parents are coming to stay, kinda, but they don't exactly like me. Well her dad anyway. I went into the kitchen to get something to drink, when j walked in Lily was passed out on the floor. "LILY!" I yelled. I got down on the floor by her, "wake up, please." I called 911 and waited for the ambulance to get here. I called Jake and had him come and watch the kids, he was on his way already when I called him so he was here by the time the ambulance got here. They out Lily on a stretcher and put her in the back, I wasn't able to ride with so I followed in the car. I had to sit in the waiting room, I waited for two hours till the doctor came out. "Christian Coma," the doctor said. "That's me, how's Lily?" I asked. "She is currently in a coma," the doctor said. "Will she ever wake up?" I asked worried. "It's a very low chance she will," he said. "Can I go see her?" "Yes room 362." I went to her room. She was hooked up to so many machines, she was pale, I hate seeing her like this. I went and sat by her bed, I grabbed her hand. "Lily, please wake up, I can't live without you, I need you, your, out kids need you," I started crying, "Lily, please wake up." I stayed till 8pm then went home and took care of the kids, I called her mom and dad and to,d the, what happened, I told our friends, and then put the kids to bed, and went to bed myself. I didn't sleep very much I kept having nightmares that Lily died, and waking up and not being able to fall asleep for an hour.

(Chapter 17 done. What do you guys think should happen to Lily, should she wake up soon, or not for awhile, or never? Like, comment, and share!)

It Get Better (sequel to finding him)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt