Chapter 4: Return of the ninja

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Miyo's POV

I saw a figure wearing a black hoodie with bright yellow thunderbolt patterns and a helmet that I recognize anywhere "K-Kei?" I said. He then looked at me and said "Hey. Looks like you need help" everyone seem shocked knowing Kei is still alive after the materion explosion. "Aww a friend reunion too bad it won't last long" Ace said and he uses his talons one more time but this time he's aiming at Kei. "Say goodbye to your just returned friend!" Ace added and laughed then Kei just teleported to another place "Everyone! Run! I'll take care of him" Kei said "What about you?" I asked "Just go!" He answered. Then Liu started talking "Come on Miyo!" Then I ran to the path the guardians gave us and looked at Kei fighting Ace and I stopped "Miyo we need to get out of here!" Liu said "Is it just me or do you think that Kei.. is familiar somehow?" I asked to the others. Then Ace started shooting his feathers at Kei and when Kei teleported, Ace already predicted where the teleportation landed "I've got you know!" I heard Ace yelled then the feathers got to Kei's helmet "KEI!" I shouted. As the feathers started taking damage to him I suddenly heard a cracking sound and saw that Kei's helmet is cracking. As I saw the pieces of his helmet falling off, I finally get to see who's behind the helmet and everyone seemed even shocked than ever! Even me! "Gai? is that... you?" I asked "Yeah it's me hey guys it's been a while" Gai replied while I saw him holding his injuries.

Gai's POV

Well my secret is out. Now everyone know that I'm Ninja K, then I saw Ace trying to attack me one more time with his feathers I tried to dodge but my injuries really hit me so I can't move anywhere then Miyo took them out with her grappling hook "What are you still doing here? I said run!" I asked to her "No I won't lose you again" She replied. Then I hear Liu talking "We're in this together we're friends after all!" "You guys..." I whispered with tear "Alright let's finish him!" I said. "CLONE 6!" I said while doing the Cloning move I started shooting my shurikens over and over and my clones are doing the same "So why the new look?" I heard Miyo asked while she's fighting "Just to match my title of 'Shadow warrior'" I reply to her. I suddenly feel the injuries are getting worse so I tell my brother to lead the clones "Zai! lead the clones!" "What happened to you Gai?" asked Zai "It's nothing I just need to recover" I said. Miyo then came to me "Gai are you ok?" She asked "I'm fine don't worry about me" I replied to her. She started talking again "But you looked like really hurt" "Pala! can you make a healing potion for Gai?" I heard her saying that to Pala "I can but it might take a while" He said "A while is fine" She added. Then I looked that Miyo is using the spirit of flight and with her grappling hook she managed to trap Ace. Then I saw Pala running towards me "Gai! it's finished!" he said showing me the potion. I feel like my body is recovered! now I can finish him off. I took out my shurikens and started throwing at Ace until he fall down and it worked! He fell down and I heard Liu talking "You lost. Now tell us what your mission is" "Heh.. Who said I lost?" Ace said and just slide towards us and made an opening. I saw him grabbing a Pululu and a weird headpiece then flew away "I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS RUNNING MAN! TILL NEXT TIME!" I heard Ace screamed.


Back in Tree city...  (Still Gai's POV)

I saw everyone sitting in the living room after I change my Kei clothes to my original clothes. After I showed up I heard Liu asked me "Gai! how did you survive the materion explosion?" "Hah! you think a materion explosion can slow this ninja?" I said proudly "Yes... I mean no but seriously how did you survive the materion explosion?" Liu asked again "Ninja's secret" I replied "But why didn't you come back when we tried to defeat Manus?" Miyo asked "There's a weird force field blocking the way" I said. I sat down next to Miyo and said "Ah it's nice to sit here again next to you just like old times right?" as I put my arm in her shoulder "You know what else is like old times?" She asked me and and I saw her pulling her claws out and scratched me in the face "Just like old times" I whispered . 

Liu's POV

"This has been a nice reunion but can we talk about Ace now?" I said "Oh right!" Gai said "But what do we know about Spikes and Ace?" Kuga asked "Well we do know that they're working together for a 'Master'" Miyo said "Wait I just notice this" I said "Spikes and Ace took items from persons we fought before! Ulcus' root, the DV7 and Akong's headpiece" "But what about the strange Pululu? did you fight him when I'm gone?" Gai asked me "You're right we never fight the Pululu before" I replied "Wait what Pululu exactly?" Pala asked "A weird Pululu that's blue and has weird eyes" I answered "Oh so you're talking about Charming Gold" Pala said, after hearing that response me and the others are shocked and said "WAIT WHAT?!" "Pala how did you know?" I asked "Back when we we're trying to fight the Leo tribe Charming Gold drink my potion to become normal" Pala explained "So my hunch is right they took items from persons we fought before so their next target is.... MANUS!" I said "But what could they want from Manus?" Gai asked I began to answer him "I don't know let's just go to the Leo tribe to find out"

To be continued...

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