Chapter 7: Training

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Gai's POV

"It's time for some training!" Master said to us "Oh no.. not master's training" I whispered "Training.. Ok what could go wrong?" Liu said "Nothing could go wrong! Except of course if there's a sudden attack or anything" Master said and whispered "Alright everyone will be separated in different rooms doing different things." Master continued "I have a bad feeling about this" Liu said "Alright everyone ready?" Master asked. Master then brought Miyo to a room with me "Alright agent Miyoshi, scratch him whenever you want" Master said "With pleasure" She answered "Nice... WAIT WHAT?!" I said, I then got scratched by Miyo and asked "Master, what's the meaning of this?" "What's the matter? I'm enjoying this!" Miyo said. Master then whispered to me "Don't worry you can teleport whenever you want it's part of the training" "Ahh" I said "Alright you ready?" Miyo continued "Sure am" I said, She then started to scratch me and I began teleporting "Stop running away!" Miyo said "This is part of the training right Master?" I asked him and Master nodded as an answer then he left the room.

Liu's POV

"Alright it's your turn" Master said as he pushed me to a room. He then gave me some metal junk "Make a tech from these junks" He said "But how? I can't make a tech from these things" I asked "You want to be an inventor right?" Master answered "Yeah but..." "An inventor can make a tech from any material" He added and left the room.

Popo's POV

"Both of you come with me" He said to me and Pala "You create a new potion and you try combining your cards" "Combining my cards? Is that even possible?" I asked "Of course it is find a way to try combining your cards is your training"  He answered "How about me?" Pala asked "Hmm what potion can you make?" He asked to Pala "I can make a potion to be faster, healing and invincibility" Pala said "Try making a defense potion" He said "I'll try" Pala said "Oh and Pala, try not to be lazy" Master added.

Kuga's POV

"You two stay here" Master said to me and Lonky. Ugh why do I have to be with him. "You try beating this steel dummy using your superpaw" He said pointing at me "Piece of cake" I said and began using my superpaw. And is the dummy broken? NO "W-what happened?" I asked "HAHAHHAHAH You're superpaw is to weak to beat that dummy" Lonky laughed "Why you..." I said and began grabbing his neck and make him choke "M..master... help" He said while choking "Kuga enough" Master said and I dropped Lonky to the floor "This is your training upgrade your superpaw" He said "And you!" Master added as he pointed to Lonky "Try not annoy Kuga sometimes" Master said "What? How is that my training?" Lonky said "You'll figure out very soon" Master said. Well... training is training.

No one's POV

Training is starting and everyone seems to fail

*Fail montage*

Liu's POV

After my tech explodes Master come in and say "Fail" and I need to repair it until it works. Oh this is going to be a long day.

To be continued...

White: Hey guys you know me. WhiteThunder. Since this book has been on hiatus and I haven't upload anything since 2 days ago I thought I'll give you some trailers to the next 2 chapters. HIT IT!

Master: Impressive

???: Metronome HQ have prophesized many chaos coming in the generation of the 100th running man

???: Could you please give these to them

Master: I'll try

Master: Congratulations running man! YOU ALL PASS YOUR TRAINING!

Running man: Yes!

Master: And here is your prize

Master: I need you to secure the scrolls

???: Not so fast!

Liu:  Who are you?

Alex: The name's Alex from the Camo tribe and I am going to take that scroll!

Kuga: Not a chance!

Next chapter: Training part 2

Liu: The ninja scroll is secured but... what about the others?

Gai: We need to find the original 5 and secure their scrolls!

Lonky: But what about Manus? He's already captured

Liu: Wait!

Lex: I'll help too

Liu: I call this project: Operation five scrolls!

Liu: Everyone to the guardians' path!

Liu: You guys ready?


Next next chapter: Operation: five scrolls

White: So? How you like it? I'll put some other trailers in future chapters and other books. See you guys next Tuesday!

(WhiteThunder is Offline)

White: Frick wrong exit line

WhiteThunder signing out~

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