Chapter 8: Training p2

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White: SURPRISE! Bet you didn't expect this do you? Well my test week just ended and I thought I'd give you guys a new chapter. So... enjoy it! Also I would like to thank Miraculouseash for letting me use her original running man competitor which will make a cameo in the story.

Master mong's POV

This is one of the hardest day of my life... The 100th running man competitors are very hard to train except for young master Gai he's been on my training once so he's ok. Everyone is failing...




And so goes on... 

<Time skip 1 day later> 

Well at least the running man members are improving and I think they will pass at the end of the day

<Training montage begin>

The training today reminds me when I trained the original running man...

<Flashback (Still grandmaster mong's POV)>

"Master can we rest?" Said a silver haired mong said "Not now Luke. You still need to train to compete in the 1st running man competition" I said "But why? We're going to compete against eachother. Shouldn't we just train ourselves?" Said a Giraf tribe member "1. Because it's going to be fair and 2. Someone just brought you here. And if a group went here, It's training time" I replied and everyone just stared at the Nyanya called Dyna "What?" She said

<Flashback over>

"THUNDERSTORM!" I heard Popo said and got shocked "It worked!" He added "Of course it does" I said. I then thought "Yep the running man will pass at the end of the day... And I think it's time to give them these..." I thought as I pulled 7 force rings from my pocket

<Another flashback>

It was night and everyone was asleep except me who was meditating. "Master" I heard a girl said "Ah Dyna what is it?" I asked "Metronome hq have prophesized many chaos coming in the generation of the 100th running man" She replied "What?" I feel confused "Here's the real reason I came here. Do you know the story of the original 5?" She added "Of course I do. I'm one of them" I replied "Yes and do you know the 5 ancient scroll that each original 5 holds?" She said "You mean this?" I said as showing her my ninja scroll "That's the one. And one day a villain will try and obtain all of the scroll to be the superior ruler. And the 100th running man competitor will try to stop them. So can you give them these when they're here?" She said as he gave me 7 blank force rings "Blank force rings? What are these for?" I asked. "One day all of us will die but our powers will transport here to accompany the 100th running man members fighting the villain" She replied "But why me specifically? There's more original 5 out there" I asked "Because you're the only one Metronome trusts" She replied "Ok then... I'll try" I said "Thank you master" She said

<Flashback over>

After that memory I heard all of the running man succeeding their training "Mster, does that mean we're done?" I heard young master Gai said "Not yet, I need all of you to test your training on... a trial" I said "There's more?" Lonky said "If you want to finish faster, then no grouching" I said "Everyone to the trial room!" I added.

<Trial room>

"Alright who's first?" I asked "Me" Liu said "Ah Liu! Here's some junk at make tech and test your tech if it works" I said "Ok" He said

<Time skip because of laziness>

"Alright I made a gun" Liu said "Ah the typical bug gun! Try it on. Here's some targets!" I said holding up some apples "You ready?" I asked "Bring it on!" Liu replied while getting ready to shoot. "Here it is!" I said as I throw the apples to the air. And not only the tech didn't blow up, All of the targets got shot right in the middle "Bullseye!" Liu said "Impressive" I said "Alright who's next?" I asked. Then agent Miyoshi and Young master Gai stood up "Us" Miyo said "Alright first agent Miyoshi. As a spy class, you need to predict where your enemy will end up and try to predict where young master Gai will end and scratch him" I said "Ready?' I asked "Always" She replied and Young master Gai started teleporting everywhere while agent Miyoshi is closing her eyes concentrating. Then she opened her eyes and yelled "THERE!" and scratched young master Gai. "Next young master! Because Miyo can predict your movements, then you need to be unpredictable and not that obvious" I said "Am I really that obvious?" Young master asked (A/N Oh please Gai everyone knows that you like Miyo because you're obvious) "Alright begin!" I said and young master began teleporting while again, Miyo is closing her eyes and concentrating. After Miyo predicted where young master ended, Gai started doing the cloning technique and circling around agent Miyoshi and teleported "Where is he?" Miyo said and everyone started pointing to her head where young master just crossing his arms and being light on Miyo's head "When did you get there?" Miyo asked "Shadow warrior technique" Gai replied "Young master, you passed" I said "How about you next penguin?" I said "Ok" He replied "Combine your cards making 3 new cards" I said "Alright. ELECTRIC CARD, FLIGHT CARD! COMBINE! THUNDERSTORM!!!" He said "Proceed" I said "FIRE CARD, ICE CARD! COMBINE! FROST FIRE!!!" He added "One more" I said "ICE CARD, FLIGHT CARD! COMBINE! BLIZZARD!!!" Popo said "Alright you passed" I said.

<Time skip>

"Congratulations running man, YOU ALL PASSED!" I said "YES!!!" Everyone said cheering "And here's your prize" I said handing them the 7 force rings. "Liu, Master of tech; Gai, Master of the ninja; Miyo, Master of spy; Popo, Master of card magic; Pala, Master of potions; Kuga, Master of combat and Lonky, Master of charming" I said "Master what are these?" Liu asked "These are rare force rings and the evolution of the spirits because it consists the power of the original running man members" I said "No way! They have the power of the original running mans?" Gai asked "Indeed they do" I replied "But with great power, you can only use them once a day. If you use them more without rest, You may lose your life" I said "Thank you" Kuga said "Well what now?" Liu asked "... I need you to secure the scrolls" I said "What why?" Gai asked "Because of this!" I heard a voice saying and I find my scroll missing "Wait where's my scroll?" I asked "Right here!" The voice said "Who are you?" Liu said "The names Alex from the Camo tribe" Alex said when he reveals himself, I saw a chameleon wearing a hoodie. "Must've been one of Spike' teammate" Liu said "Quick secure the scroll!" I said "On it" Kuga said and began superpaw-ing or should I say, Ultrapaw. "Sayonara running man!" Alex said and began being invisible "Miyoshi, where's he now?" I asked and she began concentrating, "KUGA THERE!" Miyo said and Kuga began punching him and Alex dropped the scroll "Grrr you'll pay for this!" Alex said and ran away "The scroll is safe. I better give you this to secure" I said "Are you sure?' Liu asked "Yes and please, find the other original 5 and secure their scrolls" I said

To be continued...

Liu: The ninja scroll is secured but... what about the others?

Gai: We need to find the original 5 and secure their scrolls!

Lonky: But what about Manus? He's already captured

Liu: Wait!

Lex: I'll help too

Liu: I call this project: Operation five scrolls!

Liu: Everyone to the guardians' path!

Liu: You guys ready?


Next chapter: Operation: five scrolls

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