Chapter 14: First step of finding Tala

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A/N I'm back RMA fans! It's been like 2 weeks since I update this so let's get started. Also I think it's safe to say that this book will only have 29 chapters but the next book will have like 47-48 chapters

Popo's POV

I am running the guardians path with Pala which is surprisingly faster than me. I guess it's no surprise since my legs are so tiny. Yes I admit that I am tiny... Wait why am I admitting that? Anyway, Curse you tiny legs!!!.

"Ok so we find Tala, get the magic scroll and come back to tree city. Seems easy enough" I said. "Why does Tala sound so familiar?" Pala asked. "He's from your tribe! Of course it's familiar! All of your tribe member might know about it! Except babies. Because babies know nothing" I said.

After a while, we finally made it to the Impa tribe "FINALLY! After 3 hours!" I said laying on the ground "What are you talking about? It only took like 30 minutes" Pala said "I HAVE TINY LEGS OK?!" I said. "Now can I please get some kind of energy come back potion?" I asked touching Pala's cane but Pala backs away. "IF YOU TOUCH THIS CANE ONE MORE TIME I WILL BEAT YOU UP TO DEATH WITH NO MERCY" Pala said with his eyes open and with a creepy tone. "Nevermind" I said standing up.

"Ok so where-" I said but cut off by Pala "Oh hey looks there's grandma Lala" Pala pointed to an elderly woman with a cane "What? First Pala, then Mala, then Tala and now Lala?! Is your tribe even creative at making names?" I asked "Grandma Lala!" Pala waved. "Huh? Is that Jala?" Lala said "No Jala is my cousin. I'm Pala!" Pala said "Oh. Then I don't need to talk to you" Lala said punching Pala with her cane and walks away. This is one serious elder.

"Ok so now that we have that covered, we need to find Tala" I said and Lala runs back to us. "TALA?! HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME? WHERE DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME?! HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME?!" Lala asked punching me with her cane over and over again. This elder gives me Grandmaster Mong vibes... "Uhh... Someone told me, At Mong shrine, Because he told me" I said.

"How do you know Tala Lala?" Pala asked "Shut up I'm not asking you Jala" Lala said "I'm Pala" Pala said "Nice to meet you Pala! I'm Lala" Lala said "COULD YOU PLEASE TELL US HOW YOU KNOW TALA NOW?!" I asked "DON'T YOU YELL AT YOUR ELDERS SHORTY!" Lala said. And now she's giving me Lonky vibes.

"It's a long time ago, Where I am still a wee child" Lala started saying "Tala has been an amazing magician wizard for a while but he wanted something more. So he went on a journey to find mystical magic arts to the highest peak in the Impa tribe" Lala said

"And that peak is...?" I asked "That one! Mount Hupa Lama Mona Yuga" Lala said pointing the way "I'm sorry mount what now?" I asked "Mount Hupa Lama Mona Yuga" Lala said "Ok fine mount whatever it's called" I said "Come one Popo! Let's climb it!" Pala said. "Oh great. More walking" I said.

Lala's POV

I hope those two are alright... No people have been out of there alive... "Hey um... I'm looking for the library" A random Impa said "Hi! I'm looking for a library! I'm Lala" I said

A/N I think this is the most humorous chapter I made so far lol. So no trailers today because I still have no idea what to put. But next week's (I think) chapter is the battle against Charming Gold.

Also here's a fun fact: Grandmaster Mong and Elenna are the one who caused the rivalry between Mong tribes and Nyanya tribes

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