Chapter 15: Battle for royalty

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A/N Don't ask why I upload this during my exams. Boredom

Liu's POV

"G...Gold?" Diamond Wing said and the shadow jumped from the roof "Hello again... Father...." He said. "Charming Gold!" I said "How did you come back to your normal body?" Lonky asked. "Team Chaos helped me (A/N That's the name of the villain team). Now enough chit chat. I came here for one thing" Charming Gold said. "Give me the royalty scroll and no one gets hurt" Charming Gold said "NO!" I said. "Gold... what happened to you?" Diamond Wing asked "You know what happened! You gave the throne to Crystal when I'm supposed to be the rightful king at that time! Just because I'm ug... Not amazing!" Charming Gold said.

"You know what happened next" Charming Gold said "The absorption incident..." Diamond Wing said. "What? What happened at that time?" Lonky asked. "The absorption incident is where Gold absorb the energy of half of the Peacock tribe. Even mine. But with the Royalty scroll, I command it to revive me. After that time, half of the peacock tribe who survived, moved here" Diamond Wing said

"Now enough chit chatting... again. GIVE ME THE ROYALTY SCROLL!" Charming Gold said. "NO!... Again" I said "Alright looks like we're going the hard way." Charming Gold said. He then jumped up and threw some very pointy feathers and land at the wall behind us. It's like a combination of Ace's feather and Gai's kunais (A/N If you don't know what kunais are, search online) "The special move of the Peacock tribe... Diamond feathers" Diamond Wing said. Charming Gold then smirked and the feathers then blow up like a bomb "WHAT IS THIS?! YOU CAN'T BRING EXPLOSIVES TO A FIGHT!" Lonky yelled "I can and I did" Charming Gold said.

Charming Gold then threw more diamond feathers at the wall. "You two! Come here!" Diamond Wing said. He then pulled up his cloak to cover us from the explosion. "My turn" Diamond Wing said. He then grabbed his feathers and use them as swords and Charming Gold did the same. "Quick! Let's sneak out of this fight with the scroll!" Lonky said and runs away "You're not going anywhere!" Charming Gold said and threw non exploding feathers to Lonky and stick him to the wall. "Great. Now you're stuck" I said. "What are you doing then? Free me!" Lonky said "I can't. I need to hold on to the scroll!" I said.

I then saw some pile of junk over the corner. "An inventor can make a tech from any material. Thanks for the lesson Master" I thought. I then go to full inventor mode. "Done!" I said. What did I made you ask? (A/N Small fourth wall break don't mind him) A gun... obviously. But more specifically, a scroll gun. "Alright. Diamond Wing! You got paper?" I asked "Oh yeah it's in the palace" Diamond Wing said

"Alright let's fill this full" I said. I then went outside "CHARMING GOLD! YOU WANT THE SCROLL?" I yelled grabbing the scroll "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Diamond Wing asked "YES!" I said "I was not expecting that answer" Diamond Wing said. I then pull out my scroll gun and started throwing scrolls everywhere, "Ah yes... the 'which one is the real thing' stuff... " Charming Gold said. 

Charming Gold then search every scroll but the real one is in my hands. "Everyone! Surround him!" I said "I'm still trapped" Lonky said "Ok fine! Expect Lonky" I said "He's useless.." I whispered "WAIT WHAT?!" Lonky yelled "Nothing" I said

"Your outnumbered Gold!" I said "Oh great you're calling me 'Gold' now" Charming Gold said "I mean 'Charming Gold' is too long so yes" I said "Why are you naming kids with long names anyway?" I asked "It's a tradition. Much like the Impa tribe naming their kids ending with -Ala. Except it's only for royalty" Diamond Wing said. "Again, your outnumbered... Gold?" I said confused because well... HE'S GONE!

I then saw Charming Gold back at the roof "I'll be back!" Charming Gold said and runs away. "Well, we take care of that. Better take the scroll back to tree city. It's nice meeting you Diamond Wing" I said "It's nice meeting you too" Diamond Wing said. I then went to the guardians' path and went back to Tree city.

Lonky's POV

<1 minute after Liu runs back to tree city>

"Liu? Hello? I'm still trapped you know... Very funny... I know you're coming back" I said and a bunch of kids playing swords started throwing swords at me "Oh no... SOMEBODY HELP MEEEEEE!!!!!" I yelled

Narrator: Will Lonky be saved? Find out next time in, Running man: Darkness strikes back


To be continued...

Running man: Darkness strikes backWhere stories live. Discover now