See us soon

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Lily's POV

"Lils! You wore the necklace that I gave you!"James said excitedly. He wore a black tux and surprisingly, a green tie that matched my dress. "Woah, you look cute, James," I commented." "I'm not cute! I'm hot," he told me while scooping his messy brown hair back and forth. I chuckled slightly and he bowed, "Can I have this dance, Lilyflower?" I nodded shyly and took his hand. We laughed, talk, and dance all night. It is the best day of my life. Marlene and Dorcus went making out I supposed, then Alice and Frank were chatting and having the night of their life. Harry and Ginny went to chat with Draco and Astoria.

Harry's POV

"Guys, we have to talk," I said to them sadly. "What, Harry?" Ginny asked comfortingly. "I- We- Our time do not last long here." I choked, trying to hold back tears. "Why so early?" Astoria whined. "We have been here for far too long, Tori," I whispered, eyes glazing at the floor. One drop, two drops of tears escaped my eyes. Ginny soothingly rubbed my back, a few tears slipped from her eyes as well. "Harry's right. We have to move on with our lives. We can't stay in the past forever." Draco agreed. He too was tearing up, tears couldn't stop dripping. Astoria kissed his cheek softly, "Honey, you know Harry's right. Even I just have been here for 2 days, I will miss this place." Draco sniffed and nodded. "When do we have to leave, Harry?" Ginny asked. "In 30 minutes, Gin." There was silence.

Mom and Dad came over. "Hey guys, why are you so sad?" Dad asked. "Gather everyone and meet us at the Astronomy Tower in 10 minutes," Ginny told them and they nodded, rushing off.

~Time skipped to 10 minutes later at the Astronomy Tower~

Alice, Mom, Dad, Marlene, Sirius, Remus, Mrytle, Draco, Astoria, Ginny, and I were at the Astronomy Tower. "What do you want to talk about, Harry?" Mom asked kindly. "Mom, my friends and I will be leaving in 20 minutes," I told her sadly. "WHAT???!!!" Everyone's jaw dropped.

"NO!" Mom shouted, hugging me tightly. "It's okay, mom. You'll see me in a few years, I suppose." She nodded, still clinging to me. Dad, Sirius, and Remus joined the hug as well. I know Ginny always has a secret camera in her pocket and she snapped a picture of us. Each of us hugged and say everything to each other. "It's time..." Draco announced quietly. "Bye everyone, I love you all," I called as I slipped a note to Mom. "See you soon!" "I'll miss you!" "Stay safe!" In a flash, I was back in my and Ginny's house with a surprised Luna and Neville looking at us.

"Harry! Ginny!" We hugged and pulled away. "Did James, Lily, and Teddy cause you trouble?" Ginny asked. "Not much. Lily and James are so sweet! They could slightly crawl now."Luna said. Ginny and I grinned. "Teddy is a helpful boy, he helps me with chores and taking care of the twins," Neville added. "Uncle Harry? Auntie Ginny? You're back!" a delighted Teddy ran towards us and hugged us tightly. "Hey there, Teddy." I ruffled his hair and Ginny kissed his forehead.

Lily's (The one who was returned to the future) POV

"Are you sure this is the right place?" James asked me. "Yes, James! Harry slipped us his address!" "Geez, calm down. Well, we knock?" he asked dumbly. "Yes, you idiot," I told him bluntly and knocked on the door. "Coming!" A kid's voice shouted and opened the door. "Are you Auntie Lily and Uncle James?" He asked, his eyes full of wonder. "Yes, is us. You are...?" "Right, Teddy Lupin! Come in!" He let us in and we took our shoes and went in. "Mom, Dad, is that you?" a voice behind me asked. We turned around and saw Harry." "Yes, Harry. It's us." James whispered. "Where have you guys been?" he asked. "With your Dogfather of course." "Sirius!" "And me." "Remus!"

Hi guys, sorry for the short ending, I swear I'll write an epilogue for you guys! Thanks for 2k reads and 19 votes. That means a lot to me!

Thanks for all your support💞💞💞
And stay safe!❤💙💚💛

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