The Chamber of Secrets

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"We found it in the bookshop!" Lily huffed and shoved the diary into Harry's hands. Harry took it down to Myrtle's former bathroom. "Why are we at the girls' bathroom?" Sirius asked, slightly disgusted. The Golden trio ignored them as Harry spoke, "Shhhaaaa....hsssss...." (Sorry I don't know how to write prazeltougue) The sink opened, revealing a hole. "You're a prazelmouth?" Marlene gasped, backing away. "Voldemort shared some of his powers when he attacked me," Harry said casually. Marlene relaxed for a bit while the others were still shocked. Marlene followed Harry, Ron, and Hermione to the chamber. It was so scary. The giant snake came out and Harry shouted, "Sheid your eyes!" Everyone covered their eyes while Fawkes blinded it. "It's alright now," Hermione said as Fawkes flew down. "Marlene! Duck!" Marlene ducked, so the snake missed. She shot a grateful look to Ron who gave her a thumbs up. "NOW!!" Hermione yelled. Harry reached the sorting hat and pulled out the Sword of Gryffindor. The others looked triumph while Marlene gasped in awe.

Harry attacked the snake's most tender part and got a tooth. Fawkes flew to Harry and gave him his tears. "Phoenix tears heal all injuries. " Marlene smiled to herself. Harry forced himself to focus on destroying the diary. But he couldn't bear it. He fainted, as Ron and Mione caught him. "Marls! Get the tooth and poke it through the diary!" Ron yelled while carrying Harry on his back. Marlene nodded and stabbed the fang into the diary. The diary was destroyed finally.

They all went back and saw worried glazes from Lily, James, Remus, and Sirius. "What happened to Harry?!" He cried while tears couldn't help falling from his face. "He..." Ron said, "Um... was bitten by the basilisk." Hermione wiped her watery face. Lily collapsed in tears, Remus and Sirius's bro hugged. James carried his son, bridal style, he looked across Harry's face. Harry was dripping silent tears and he looked like he was having a fever. James ran to Madame Pomfrey as quickly as he could. "What again, Mr. Pot- Oh my!" She gasped as she laid her eyes on Harry. She levitated him to one of the beds and shooed everyone out. After a while, she came back with the results. "Harry, he-"

Cliff hanger! Sorry, this chapter is short. Hope y'all enjoy your Saturday~~~

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