She said YES!!!

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Harry's POV
I woke up with a puking Ginny. "Gin? You alright in there?" I asked her, worried. "Come here now, HARRY JAMES POTTER!!!" She shrieked. I flinched and paled and went to our bathroom. She looked very green and fainted on the floor. I caught her and levitated her to Madame Pomfery. "Oh dear!" She muttered and put her down on a bed. I secretly put a cushion charm on her bed to make her feel better. She looked very white and I was very nervous. "Harry!" James bellowed. "Silencio" Lily pointed her wand at James and he tried to say 'Why would you do that?! Lilyflower! Unmute me please!" Sirius and Remus was snickered behind them. "Lily, James, Sirius, Remus?" I whispered. Lily ran over to me and hugged me tightly. Lily's hex wore off James, he, Sirius and Remus joined the hug. Ginny woke up, "Harry?" she said quietly. "Love?" I planted a small yet passionate kiss on her forehead. James and Sirius made gagging noise and Remus and Lily both simply rowed their eyes. "I think the babies are coming." Gin said weakly, almost panting. "What do you mean babies?" I asked. "I-I am sorry, Harry. You said you only want one child and I was pregnant with twins." She sobbed. The marauders and Lily looked at me worrily. "I don't mind two." I kissed her cheek. Gin smiled weakly and Madame Pomfery shooed them away. I stayed with my beautiful wife, her face was as pale as Malfoy's and she was sweating so much. "Breathe baby, breathe." I hold her hand tenderly. She screamed in pain as the first one came. Madame Pomfrey let me held him, then let me held the other baby when Ginny was done. I looked at her, she seemed relexed and peaceful but very exausted. "Do you want to hold them?" I asked my parents, godfather and former professor. "Yes please." They all said in union. Lily cradled my baby boy while James was playing with him. Remus and Sirius did the same thing. "What are the babies' name, Harry?" Remus asked me as he gave my baby girl to Sirius. "Lily Luna Potter and James Sirius Potter." Lily and the Marauders looked in awe, Lily asked me, "Why did you name your children after us?" Ginny woke up and whispered, "It's about time you tell them, love." I nodded and turned to them, "Can you keep a secret?"

~To be continued at the next chapter

The next week, Dumbledore held a winter ball. I smiled at Ginny and exsused myself from the teacher's table. I went back to me and Gin's room and seached for a locket I made for her at the Battle of Hogwarts. It was old and dusty so I fixed it in the muggle way and the sliver locket had a horse and a stag charm which is our patornus. Inside the locket, it was a picture of our wedding. We were laughing smiling and waving and I wanted the memories to keep close to her heart. I sent her a patronus and said,

Hey Gin,

Can you meet me at the Black Lake at eight thirty? I have a surprise for you! And Jmaes, Lily, Sirius and Remus, would you mind babysiting baby James and baby Lily? I will be so grateful. ~Always and Forever, Harry

Send it to Ginny Weasley please." I told it and it ran away.

Sirius' POV

I saw Harry's patronus dashed in the Great Hall to Ginny.

Hey Gin,

Can you meet me at the Black Lake at eight thirty? I have a surprise for you! And Jmaes, Lily, Sirius and Remus, would you mind babysiting baby James and baby Lily? I will be so grateful. ~Always and Forever, Harry

"We will love to watch James and Lily, Ginny." Moony said gently. Me and the others nodded. Ginny beamed and handed me a crying James junior and handed James a sleeping baby Lily. She woke up and gigged as James teased her playfully. Baby James stopped crying when I did a funny face. He laughed and I studied him closer. He had Ginny's light blue eyes and had messy red hair like Harry's but exept his was black. Lily junior had beautiful green eyes liked her grandmother and have slightly wavy black hair.

Harry's POV

As Ginny came, I kissed her cheek and gave her roses. She blushed and smiled, then found the locket in the roses. "Harry... you found it?" She whispered. "Yes, my love." I answered. I got down on a knee and told her, "Ginny, you're the love of my life. You are my world, my everything. I love you, despite you." I pulled out a wedding ring, "We are only soulbond not seriously married, so what do you say? Ginny Molly Weasley, will you marry me?" Ginny started tearing up and said, "An infinity times YES!!!!" We kissed passionately and I put the engagement ring on her hand.

James' POV

I got Lilyflower alone and hoped that she said yes, "Will you go to Hogsmade with me, Lily?" She nodded and replied, "Yes, sure James." I hugged her and I had good dreams all night.

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