Crookshanks, Buckbeak, and Hedwig too? (Part 2)

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"I know, right?" Pansy said, smiling, "We learn something new every day, Dray." He nodded at his best friend.

"Errhmm," Hermione cleared her throat, "Any suggestions guys?" Everyone- and animals, of course, quiet down. "Can you tell us more about these four Horcruxes?" Marlene piped up. "Sure. Horcruxes could only be created after committing murder, the supreme act of evil. The Ravenclaw diadem was stabbed by a basilisk fang, then was burnt by Fiendfyre," "Sounds dangerous," Remus commented. Hermione rowed her eyes and continued, "The Slytherin locket is hidden in the middle of the vast lake. You need to give blood and drink the potion to enter the cave. The potion will make you feel weaker and painful," she breathed sadly. Ron kissed on top of her head and continued for her, "Dumbledore and Regulus Black were killed trying to get the locket," The whole room gasped. "Reg did that?" Sirius asked quietly. Ron nodded, "Yes. Um, I destroy the Slytherin locket deep in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, by stabbing it with the Gryffindor sword."

"Awesome! I am glad my son has a brave best friend," James remarked, making Ron's ears go bright red. "Thank you, James. Then the Hufflepuff cup," Draco shivered at that memory. Ron and Mione looked at Draco gratefully, "Draco actually helped quite a bit," Mione said. Draco's cheeks went crimson, "It was all you and Potter." Pansy giggled and whispered, "Someone's blushing crimson~" "Shut it, Pans!" Draco's cheeks went even redder and punched her arm playfully. "Pansy? You can tell them," "Sure, Gran- Mrs. Weasley," Hermione's cheeks went velvet. "HEY! Can y'all stop blushing? Not all of us are married or dating!" Marlene and Sirius shouted. "Alright, so the Hufflepuff cup was hidden in the Lestrange vault. Ronald, Harry, and Hermione broke into Gringotts and stole the cup with the help of a globin called Griphook in exchange for the Gryffindor sword. Hermione was Bellatrix Lestrange, Ronald has a fake identity, and Potter and Griphook were hidden under the invisibility cloak. Draco helped them by not identifying them," Pansy told the people from the past. They all nodded and Lily asked, "My son has broken into Gringotts?! No one could ever!" "Apparently, our son is brave like ME," James answered croakily.

"Anyway, the last and final one- HARRY!" Mione gasped in shock and everyone turned and looked at him. They saw Fawkes beside him, dripping its tears on him once more. Harry's eyes fluttered open. "Mmm- where am I?" He asked looking around. "HARRY! We are worried sick!" Lily cried, rushing to him and hugging him. "I am fine, mom," he laughed, hugging her. "Potter looked happier," Draco smirked. "Draco? Pansy? Is that you guys?" "Yes, dumbo." "Come and hug me already!" Draco and Pansy chuckled and ran over to Harry who was still a bit pale and weak. They hugged and pull back. "Harry! You never told me you're friends with 'em!" Ron frowned. "Sorry, Ron. It slipped my mind! We became friends after I helped them in court. Astoria, Blaise, Pansy, Theo, Draco, and I went to dinner after. We have so much fun," "Well Harry, we didn't expect you to wake up that early so we went and find them to help," Hermione explained. Harry nodded knowingly and asked, "Well, what Horcrux do we need to destroy?" "No, Harry. You have to stay in bed for at least a week. Besides, you're still weak!" Hermione scolded.

"I'll keep you company, master!" Hedwig hooted. "Hedwig? You- You can talk! You're alive!" Hedwig nodded as best as an owl could. "And don't call me master. Just Harry." "Okay, Just Harry!" Everyone roared with laugher, even Lily, Remus, and Hermione grinned.

"Focus! We are getting the cup first at the Lestrange vault. Any objections?" Hermione called. "Good. Ronald, Draco, Pansy, and I are definitely going. Marlene can sit out on this one. James and Lily should stay with Harry, Sirius too. Remus, you can come with us." Everyone was happy about the decision and Hermione gave James and Lily a walkie-talkie. "This is a muggle device. If we needed back up, you can hear me screaming 'SOS'" "What is 'SOS'" "Save our souls. Well, there is no time to lose. Wands out everyone!"

Thanks for all support💞💞💞
And stay safe!❤💙💚💛

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