He's gone

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Get cozy, this chapter slightly longer thab the other ones^^
"WAIT!!!" Harry yelled and they all froze. "What Harry?" Hermione asked. "You forgot the basilisk fang! Here." Harry searched his pockets and hand Hermione the fang. "Why did you carry that around?" Lily asked. "For precautions," Harry answered sheepishly. "Get some sleep, Harry. We will be fine." Ron flashed him a smile. Harry nodded and closed his eyes. "Get well soon, Harry," Buckbeak whispered and Crookshanks purred.

Hermione's POV

I hope Harry get well soon. I put the basilisk fang in my pocket. We then apprate to Gringotts. "We need to get Bellatrix Lestrange's hair," Hermione told the group. "I just can't believe Bella got married to the Lestrange boy." Sirius shook his head disappovingly. "How can we get into the Malfoy Manor then?" Marlene asked Ron. "I don't excatly know. We were imprisoned there last time. Bad memories, sorry Mione." "It's fine." "Really, you could sit out on this one." "Oh cut it out lovebirds," Draco rowwed his eyes. "I know there were bad memories so please sit out, Mione." Pansy said, trying to be poilte. "But I destroyed the Hufflepuff's cup last time, I must do it again...

A/N I wanted to focus the story on more about the school life of the Marauders and not the Horcruxes so this is the last chapter about destroying Voldyshorts. Btw, in the memoies gone chapter, I wanna say, Harry actually modified the students' memories. Hope you still enjoy!

Harry's POV

We've finally destroyed all the Horcruxes. All thanks to Marlene, Lily, Ron, Mione, and the Marauders. Now I got to face Voldie in the forest. "Stay safe, mate." Ron mumbled and hugged me. "Hermione warpped her arms around me and Ron. "Love you both," she told us. We pulled away after a few seconds. Lily hugged me tearfully and James ruffled my hair. "Good luck, son." they said. Sirius, Remus and Marlene shook my hand, "Stay safe, Harry," Then Dumbledore, Myrtle and McGongall came into the room. "Good luck, Mr. Potter," "Stay safe, Harry!" I nodded and flew to the forest. "Well, well, well. Isn't it the great Harry Potter?" Voldemort was already there.

"Sssso you have been dessssperate to sssee me~" I hissed in Parseltongue. He blinked in surprise. We then started a Parseltongue war and suddenly, he yelled, "ENOUGH!!! Avada Kedavra!!!!!" He pointed his wand at me. I douge it by firing Expellilarmas. The green light from Voldie and the red light from me combined.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. I thought of the happiest memories of Neville, Luna, Draco, Pansy, Astoria, Blaise, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and many more. I thought of my parents and their friends, which I've just met for a few months. Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, Marlene, even Myrtle, which I've kinda resurrect. I opened my eyes once again, determined to win again, not just for myself, but for those who had died for me in the war. The red light was taking over and soon, Voldemort was dead. At last. I climbed on my broom which I had been holding with my non wand arm. I then did a flip and blasted back to Hogwarts.

"Harry!" fifteen voices shouted and ran towarts me. My parents, Sirius, Remus, Ron, Mione, Marlene, Draco, Pansy, even McGongall, Dumbledore and Myrtle! "Guys! I did it!" I said happily. "That's my son!" Dad shouted loudly. "Our son, James," Mom corrected him. We all chuckled. "Now, let me do something," Harry said as he waved his wand. Thousands if memories flood back to Mom, Dad, Sirius, Remus and Marlene.

"You were our DADA teacher??" Sirius exclaimed. "Ha yeah," I raffled my hair a bit. "That exactly what Prongs do if he was shy," "Shut up Padfoot, I'm not shy," "Whatever you say, Prongsie,"

The next week, Ginny came back, but sadly, Ron, Mione and Pansy went home. Baby James and baby Lily was watched over by Ron, because George gave him a break at the joke shop. Astoria came though. I also went back to my job as a DADA teacher. Then, Dumbledore held a winter ball. I smiled at Ginny and exsused myself from the teacher's table. I went back to me and Gin's room and seached for a locket I made for her at the Battle of Hogwarts. It was old and dusty so I fixed it in the muggle way and the sliver locket had a horse and a stag charm which is our patornus. Inside the locket, it was a picture of our wedding. We were laughing smiling and waving and I wanted the memories to keep close to her heart. I sent her a patronus and said,

Hey Gin,

Can you meet me at the Black Lake at eight thirty? I have a surprise for you! And James, Lily, Sirius and Remus, would you mind babysiting baby James and baby Lily? I will be so grateful. ~Always and Forever, Harry

Send it to Ginny Weasley please." I told it and it ran away.

Sirius' POV

I saw Harry's patronus dashed in the Great Hall to Ginny.

Hey Gin,

Can you meet me at the Black Lake at eight thirty? I have a surprise for you! ~Always and Forever, Harry

Harry's POV

As Ginny came, I kissed her cheek and gave her roses. She blushed and smiled, then found the locket in the roses. "Harry... you found it?" She whispered. "Yes, my love." I answered. I got down on a knee and told her, "Ginny, you're the love of my life. You are my world, my everything. I love you, despite you." I pulled out a wedding ring, "We are only soulbond not seriously married, so what do you say? Ginny Molly Weasley, will you marry me?" Ginny started tearing up and said, "An infinity times YES!!!!" We kissed passionately and I put the engagement ring on her hand. "And would you go to the ball with me?" "Of course, silly."

James' POV

I got Lilyflower alone and hoped that she said yes, "Will you go to the ball with me, Lily?" She nodded and replied, "Yes, sure James." I hugged her and I had good dreams all night.

Thanks for all your support💞💞💞
And stay safe!❤💙💚💛

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