24 - Pigs Figs.

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Tucker was waiting for him as Cain was done with Passport Control and baggage retrieval. He looked round faced as usual, sweaty, edgy. Cain wanted to hug him and slap him on the back. He was glad to have someone he could torment.

"Miss me Tucks?" He threw his bag at Tucker, almost making him buckle under the weight of it and the suddenness of the throw.

"Not very much." Tucker said around a grunt, then looked back towards where Cain had emerged. "Where are the others?"

"Don't know, don't care." He stopped and turned to face Tucker. "No one knows that I took about six officers on my trip, do they?"

Tucker shifted uncomfortably and cleared his throat. "Someone knows."



Cain grimaced and resumed his walk. A cop van was waiting for them. He recognized the man behind the wheel and gave him a small nod but as he was about to open the door, he was side tracked by two, maybe three cops. He knew about two by name.

"You can't get in."

He whipped off his sun shades to face Drew Stormoen who had given the order. "Excuse me?"

"I said you can't get in."

Cain was insulted. Apart from the fact that he was Stormoen's superior, he was a couple years older and had a heavier purse too. He was also bigger in size, not to mention stronger, or the one that went without saying - more handsome. He was everything the stunted man wasn't. How dare the little wisp of a man talk to him that way?

Cain eyed him. "You're not referring to me, are you?"

"I am, Rodgers. You have been barred from using any property of the State Government."

Cain gave a laugh of disbelief and shared a look among the other cops. "I just got back from an official assignment is this how you welcome me?"

"Official assignment my ass."

No. It wasn't Drew Stormoen that replied him. It was someone else entirely and he didn't have to turn to recognize who it was.

He turned anyway and spread his arms and grinned brightly. "Detective Dwayne! How nice of you to personally welcome me."

Dwayne gave him a creepy smile. "Oh, don't mention. In fact, I have a Welcome Home gift for you."

Cain looked left and right, then looked at the sky.

"What are you doing?"

"I was making sure I was still alive and well. Artem Dwayne has a gift for me? It must be my lucky day. How very sweet and thoughtful of you."

"It was no problem. In fact, it was no bother at all." Dwayne raised a pair of hand cuffs at him and jiggled it. "Surprise!"

Cain scoffed. "What is this about?"

"You're under arrest Cain Rodgers. You're finally going to rot in jail and trust me, it would be especially unpleasant for you."

"Wow! I'm shaking in my boots."

Dwayne walked closer. "You don't get the severity of this do you? I have multiple crime charges against you, starting with physical assault. And I have proof and a witness."

"Let me guess, the witness is Juanita, my ex wife."


He laughed. "That won't hold up."

"You think so?"

He put forward his hands in surrender with a grin on his lips. "Forget it. I'll save it for my lawyer. Chances are, you won't be able to find enough evidence to take me to a grand jury, so why waste my breath?"

Married To The Mafia: Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now