21 - Leonid Mathew Chernyshevsky.

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"Hello and welcome."

Pamela and Devlin smiled at the butler who held open the door to the Chernyshevsky house for them. Fiona, Vivian and her pedophile of a husband were waiting for them at the terrace. Devlin kissed Fiona and ignored Vivian. Pamela hugged Fiona and gave Vivian an awkward hug.

Bartholomew Campbell came forward to hug her but Devlin made it obvious he detested the man by holding her back. He dared him to speak with his eyes and then gave him a smug smile. Campbell stepped back.

"Here we are." Devlin said tightly to Vivian.

"Yes," She said coming forward. "Thank you for coming."

"Now what?"

"Now, we eat." She said smoothly. "Dinner was just being served. Let's move to the dining area."

Devlin didn't budge, and naturally Pamela didn't too. He almost pitied her by the look on her face. She obviously didn't want any trouble. But he would have to disappoint her because he was here for just that: trouble.

He gave Vivian a hard look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

The innocent expression on her face repulsed him. "You expect me to believe you invited us here to eat dinner?"


He laughed.


He gave her a retiring look. "Anything that comes from you is quite disingenuous."

"Oh son, if you were expecting arms and ammunition then I'm sorry to disappoint you. I invited you here because I realized I was too hard on you the last time we spoke. Call this a reconciliatory dinner."

"Reconciliatory my dick."

"Watch it, boy." Campbell said, speaking for the first time. "I do not appreciate the way you speak to my wife."

"And what are you going to do if I don't watch it, pedophile?" Devlin gave him a rude once over, looking at him from head to toe in a manner that was derogatory. "We both know you're the woman in this marriage, so shut up and sit down."

Pamela's temper sparked. "Are you in any way implying that women have smaller roles in a marriage like shutting up and sitting down?"

"No of course not my love I was just -"

"Save it. And shut up." Then she smiled brightly, sharing apologetic looks between Vivian and Campbell. "Please excuse my husband. Whenever his feelings are hurt he puffs up like an emotional porcupine."

Vivian gave her a questionably sincere laughter. "Of course. Shall we?"

Devlin didn't trust her as far as he would throw her but he nudged Pamela forward and they all went to the dining area. Mouth watering delicacies were being served. Baked chicken meatballs with garlic-dill yogurt sauce, Beef Stroganoff, Borscht, which was a Russian beetroot soup and finally Spicy Pecan popcorn chicken. Despite his reservations, Devlin's stomach growled. When everyone was seated, there was an empty seat left.

"Whose is that?" He asked.

"We're expecting someone. Seems he's running late." Vivian replied.

"Who made this?"

"Kilroy." Victoria said sweetly to Pamela who had poised the question, indicating for the older man to come forward.

"This looks wonderful." Pamela said to the man with a smile.

He didn't understand her so Devlin interpreted and he gave a small bow. As Pamela was lifting a spoonful of soup to her lips, Devlin stopped her, his eyes fixed on Vivian.

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